Harry x reader

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here is a harry x reader!!! this is just some fluff because why not! enjoy! 

The Quidditch game had just ended and everyone in House Gryffindor was heading towards the Great Hall to celebrate their victory. Some of the students cheer and chant, others (Most from the slytheryn team) push by hastily without noticing that they bumped into you. Out of the crowd a hand reaches out for you, catching you when they notice you tumbling backwards. Their grip on your arm is firm yet gentle. "Are you alright?" a voice asks, when you look up you're met by the warm gaze of none other than Harry Potter.

"oh yes im alright--ow" 

"Are you ok? he said

"sorry i just sprained my ankle a while ago it still hurts a bit" you said looking into his eyes 

 "I can help you to your common room if you like?" Harry offered "Oh well i think were going to the same house" you said as you both walked towards the Gryffindor common room

As you both reached the Gryffindor common room, Harry turned towards you and asked, "So, do you have any siblings?" 

"Yes," you replied with a smile. "I have an older sister." 

"That's cool," Harry said with genuine interest. "What's she like?" "She's really smart and talented," you said fondly. "She's in Ravenclaw." 

Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Wow, that's impressive." You both laughed together and then Harry paused thoughtfully for a moment before asking another question. "Do you have any plans for Christmas break?" he asked. "Not really," you admitted. "Why do you ask?"

 "Well, my friends and I are planning to go to the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade," Harry said eagerly. "It's always so much fun there during the holidays." "That sounds great!" You replied excitedly. "Can I come too?" 

"Of course!" Harry replied with a smile. "The more the merrier!"

"thanks!" You smiled back at Harry, feeling grateful for his kindness. "Great! We'll have to start planning soon." As you both reached the common room entrance, Harry turned towards you one last time. "I'm glad we ran into each other," he said sincerely. 

"It's always nice to make new friends." You felt your heart swell with warmth at his words and couldn't help but smile back at him. 

"Me too," you replied as you both parted ways and entered your respective common rooms. As you climbed up to your dormitory in Gryffindor Tower, you couldn't help but feel excited about what adventures lay ahead of you during the Christmas holidays. You knew that whatever happened, having a friend like Harry Potter by your side would make it all better.

You enterd your dorm and looked at your friends who were giggling "What?" you said confused "You have a crush!!!!" they all squeeled 

 "No i dont! would you all stop it! i do not like harry, i mean sure he's cute" they all squeeled at this comment and you looked at them annoyed "Guys come on its not a date its with another girl and boy" you said 

 "A double date!" they all yelled "Guys im going to bed" you said but you couldn't help but think he kind of was asking you on a date

As you lay in bed, your thoughts kept drifting back to Harry Potter. You couldn't help but feel a little flutter in your stomach whenever he was around. You had never really thought of him that way before, but now you couldn't shake the feeling that maybe there was something more between you two. You shook your head, trying to push those thoughts away. After all, it wasn't like Harry was asking you out on a date or anything like that. It was just a friendly invitation to hang out with his friends during the holidays. But still...you couldn't help but wonder what would happen if you did go on that double date with him and his friends. Maybe it would be fun? Or maybe it would be awkward and uncomfortable? You sighed and turned over onto your side, staring up at the ceiling as you tried to decide what to do next.

The next morning, you woke up to a bright sunny day. You quickly got dressed and headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast. As you entered the hall, you saw Harry sitting at the Gryffindor table with his friends. They all waved and called out greetings as you approached. "Hey there!" Harry said cheerfully. "Did you sleep well?" 

"Yeah, I did," you replied with a smile. "Thanks for asking." Harry grinned back at you. "No problem! So, are you excited for our trip to Hogsmeade during the holidays?" You felt your heart race as he mentioned it again. "Yeah, I am," you said slowly. Harry looked at you curiously. "Is everything okay?" he asked gently. You hesitated for a moment before finally blurting out your thoughts. "Harry...I don't know what to do about this invitation," you said honestly. Harry looked surprised but then nodded understandingly. "It's okay if you're not sure if you want to go or not," he said kindly. You felt relieved by his response and smiled gratefully at him. "Thanks," you said softly. "Anytime," Harry replied with a warm smile before turning back to his friends and continuing their conversation

"Its just," Harry turned back to you with patient eyes "Are you asking me on a date?" you finaly said 

 "Well, it depends, if i was would you say yes?" he asked you "Well, i guess i would" you said smiling "Well then i think i am asking you on a date" he said "Then i say yes" you answerd


As you walked to Hogsmede you and harry ran ahead of Hermione and Ron "Come on, i want to show you something" harry said

You ran alongside Harry, feeling the cool breeze on your face as you laughed. You had no idea where he was taking you, but you trusted him and knew that it would be fun. Finally, after a few minutes of running, Harry stopped in front of a small clearing. 

"Look," he said excitedly as he pointed towards the sky. You looked up and gasped at the sight before you. The sky was filled with colorful lanterns that floated gently in the air. It was like something out of a fairy tale. 

"Wow," you breathed out in awe. "I thought it would be perfect for our date," Harry said with a smile. You felt your heart swell with happiness at his words and couldn't help but smile back at him. "It's amazing," you said softly. Harry took your hand in his and led you towards the center of the clearing where there were blankets laid out on the ground. You sat down beside him and watched as he lit a few lanterns himself and sent them up into the sky. As they floated away, Harry turned to look at you again and took your other hand in his too. "I'm really glad we came here together," he said sincerely. You looked into his eyes and felt yourself getting lost

in his eyes, you looked down to his lips, they looked so soft and you couldn't help but think about him kissing you As you looked into Harry's eyes, and he looked into yours he felt a sudden urge to kiss you. You couldn't help it; he was just so kind and caring and handsome all at once. Without thinking, you leaned in closer to him and pressed your lips gently against his. It was soft and sweet and everything you had ever wanted. Harry responded eagerly, deepening the kiss as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You felt yourself getting lost in the moment as the lanterns continued to float above you. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Harry pulled away from the kiss with a smile on his face. "Wow," he said softly. "That was amazing." You nodded in agreement, feeling breathless and happy all at once. "I'm really glad we came here together," Harry said again, but this time with a hint of mischief in his eyes. You laughed and leaned into him once more, feeling grateful for this moment that the two of you shared together under the stars.

Haha! i love making you wait for the end lol welp,  another one done! YAYYYYYY i love writing these storries and i dont know why im so happy!!!!! lol well cya love ya bye! 

-- Ahsoka out :) 

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