Draco x reader

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this is not really a Draco x reader you are Draco's babysitter i thought it would be cute to write about this! Enjoy! 

Draco's parents had asked you to take care of Draco while they went on vacation,they told you that Draco gets angry very easily and breaks things in the house, you went to the Malfoy family house and Draco was trying to concentrate on his homework

"Ugh stupid homework!-" Draco looks at you "Who are you?!"

You explain to Draco that you are his new babysitter and he just looks at you a little angry

 "My parents think that because I'm only 11 years old I'm a baby..."

"I'm sorry, well i don't think you are a baby its just you cant be left alone because if something happens accidentaly you parents want me to be here to help you" you said calmly trying to get him to calm down. Draco looks at you, his eyes still full of anger

"I don't need your help! I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. And besides, why should I listen to you? You're just some random person my parents hired."

Draco crosses his arms and glares at you, clearly not interested in making friends.

"Draco..." you cooed and smiled at him softly "I want to be your friend, please accept me" you said to him kneeling down to be on his level

Draco looks at you with a raised eyebrow, still clearly skeptical.

 "Why would you want to be friends with me? I'm not exactly the nicest kid in school." He admitted, Draco sighs and runs his hand through his blonde hair.

"But...I guess it wouldn't hurt to have someone around who isn't my parents. Fine, we can be friends." He extends his hand out towards you for a handshake.

You smile at him but inside your heart breaks for him, he is only eleven but he shakes hands, you decide to give him some love and you ignore his hand and hug him, he is so surprised and dosen't do anything you pull away and say 

"Now i'm going to prepare some lunch and we can have a picnic and then after that we'll work on the homework ok?" 

 "O-ok" he stutterd, Draco looks at you with a mix of confusion and surprise, he is not used to being hugged it was even more surprising by someone he just met. 

"Um...ok. A picnic sounds good."

Draco follows you into the kitchen where you start preparing lunch for both of you. He watches you work in silence, still a bit unsure about your intentions.

As you prepare the lunch, Draco starts to relax a bit. He realizes that you are not as bad as he thought and maybe having someone around would be nice. 

"So...what's your name?"

you laugh and Draco looks startled "Oh draco, sorry, my name is Y/n, and i don't go by my last name alright? you can just call me Y/n," you said and picked up the basket

Draco nods, still a bit unsure about everything. 

 "Okay...Y/n. So where are we going for the picnic?"

"I was thinking the little clearing just inside the forest behind your house, sound good?" you said taking his hand

Draco looks at you, surprised by your gesture. He is not used to physical contact but he doesn't pull away. 

"Okay...let's go."

You lead Draco outside and towards the clearing. As you set up the blanket and start unpacking the food, Draco starts to relax even more.

 "This is actually pretty nice. I've never had a picnic before."

"I'm glad you like it, Draco," you say with a smile. "I think it's important to take a break from studying and just enjoy the little things in life sometimes."

As you both eat lunch and chat about different topics, Draco starts to open up more and become more comfortable around you.

"You know...you're not so bad after all. I was wrong about you."

you laugh warmly and Draco smiles, and it makes you stop laughing, he has such a cute smile! 'he is just a child,' you think but his parents don't think so, he is either a baby or a man in his father and mothers eyes. 

you walk around a bit looking at the different plants and a rabbit comes up to draco to sniff him. Draco's eyes widden and you look down at the rabbit 

"Cottontail! you shouldent be here!" you say draco looks at you in amazment 

"Its your rabbit?" he asks surprised 

"Yes it is, do you want to hold it?" you asked him he looked up at you with hopeful eyes 

"Yes please!" he says, you pick up the rabbit and put it into Draco's arms he smiles and the rabbit starts to nibble one of his fingers, Draco laughs, and you think its the sweetest thing in the world. 

You go back to the picnic and Draco finishes his lunch and you start to pack everything up. He looks at you with a smile. 

"Thanks for the picnic, Y/n. I had fun."

You smile at Draco and pat him on the back. 

"No problem, Draco. Anytime you want to have a picnic, just let me know."

As you both head back inside, Draco's parents call to check in on him. 

"Hello? Is everything alright?"

You answer the phone, "Yes, everything is fine. Draco--." 

 "father father!" he shouted exitedly "we had so much fun and we had a--" 

"Yes yes, Draco, very good. We'll be back soon so Y/n, make sure you keep an eye on him. Goodbye"

Draco's face fell, "He didn't care," he said you felt so sad for him "He didnt want to hear me" he said again and started very faintly to cry 

"Ohhh Draco I'm so sorry!" you said sushing him you pulled him into a hug and he cried softly

Draco cries in your arms for a few minutes, "He doesnt want me!" he said through sobs, you hugged him and kissed his head, you knew he was very sensitive and you didnt want to make him feel bad 

"He just has a lot of work to do" you said softly

"really?" he looked hopeful

You nod, "Yes, really. You're his son and he loves you very much. He just has a lot on his plate right now."

Draco looks up at you with teary eyes.

"But I want to spend time with him too."

"I know, Draco. But sometimes adults have to take care of grown-up things. It doesn't mean they don't love you or want to spend time with you." You give him a reassuring smile. "But in the meantime, we can still have fun together."

"Now lets take a look at that homework shall we?" you say 

Draco nods, "Okay. But can we do it in the garden?" 

"absolutly" you say and you both head outside and sit on a bench under the shade of a tree. "Now this problem is somewhat hard i'll help you, the angle...." you helped Draco with the rest of his homework. this was going to be a good job, you thought, it was going to be worth it. 

so...should i do a part two??? i kind of have an idea, this was soooooo cute!!! i think it would be really sweet to babysit Draco! or any of the Harry potter characters! anyway, love ya'll! 

-- Ahsoka out :) 

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