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3 hours into the conversation...

'so long story short, he wants to fly from fucking new york to see me and apologise'




'I thought you were against Mr wonka'

'he's willing to fly down and see you...its cute'

Adriana looked down at her cup of hot chocolate and frowned.

'it's sweet..'

Elena sighed.

'I don't know... I'd give him a chance'

'of course you would'




'..here...ill give him a chance...ill see how it goes..then we'll work from there?'


'his little pr deal with Ms jenner is finished now so he wants to come back to me... It was very weird at first because I kinda had to wait...for him to finish dating another girl'

'good god'

'at least you and cench are like whipped for one another'

'of course we are. But I knew timothee was the one when I first met him'


'yea... I promise'

'pinky promise?'

The girls stuck out their pinky then said at the same time.

'pinky promise'


'hey love'

'hey darling'

Cench walked into her apartment, the girls had returned from the cafe less than 20 minutes ago and adriana decided it would be nice to spend some time with her boyfriend after talking about another man for 5 hours.

'how was your day'

'fun, I went to the new cafe with elena'

'oh yea I've heard of it...is it any good?'

'it just might be my new favorite place'

Oakley playfully rolled his eyes then placed down the bag of snacks and drinks, he took out adrianas favorite crisps and favorite drink.

'you know me so well'

'well duh. Your mine'

'I am'

Adriana opened her can of redbull then turned to face him.

'it's your birthday soon'

'it is'

He smirked.


'and what?'

'oakley. what are you planning on doing'

'don't know'

He bluntly said as he picked up her cat and held her in his arms.

'how does central cee not know?'


Adriana slapped his bicep and he giggled.

'ah wha was tha for'

'oh shut up you big baby I didn't even hit you hard'

'oh yea?'

He put down her cat then smirked, approaching her.

She giggled then slowly backed away.


His arms snaked around her waist before she could get away, he began to tickle her as she laughed uncontrollably, trying to get out of his grip.

After a bit of that, the two fell asleep watching 'You' on the couch.


Imma try write more (I say that in every a/n)
Don't mind the spelling I'm not arsed go over it
I love yall x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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