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After a really long flight, she was back home.

Desipte the fact that there was 3 bodyguards around her and people yelling her name, everything was going well.

Next thing she knew she was pushed into a black van.


She wrapped her arms around him and he did the same.

'heey love'

'I missed you so much'

'I missed you more'

He kissed her temple.

She sat down beside him and put on her seat belt.

The car ride was quite long due to the traffic, but they just talked the whole ride so time went by quickly.

He mentioned how he made a few new songs for her.

Apologising for being an ass.

And she admitted he was an ass, to his face.

He didn't deny it, or argue with her about it.

He made her a promise.

He was never going to hurt her ever again.

Madeline reached out to him and apologised.

Which he accepted, but kept his distance.

He only loved one.

She talked about how fun it was reuniting with the AMP squad, and how elena being there shocked her in every way possible.

He said he wanted to go to Brazil with her again.

How he fucked up last time he wanted to make it up to her.

His schedule was empty and so was hers.

So for the rest of the car ride they looked for tickets and hotels.

She was delighted and he loved seeing her happy.

She was like a shot of espresso.

She was his happiness.

She was his ray of sunshine.

She was the flashlight in the dark room.

She was his everything.

this chapter is ADORABLE
the drama is gone for now and we're back with oakliana!!!
This chapters short but i wanna start posting every day. (I'll try)

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