Saying Goodbye

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As you and Faline woke up, you realised your mother was waiting for you both outside of the thicket. You exited the thicket and nuzzled your mother as a 'good morning'. When you looked around you noticed that Falines spot had faded and were much less obvious now, you looked at your fur and noticed the same thing.

"Mother! Look. Faline and I are losing our spots!" You giggled. Prancing around happily.

Faline looked at her own fur and noticed the same thing, her eyes brightened and she joined you and you both pranced around your mother happily.

"You're losing your spots. Yes, I'm happy for you both." She chuckled, you could tell she felt a little sad now and you wondered why.

"Why do you look upset mother?"  You trotted up to her, giving her cheek a nuzzle in an attempt to make her feel better about whatever was making her upset.

"It's because you're both growing up so fast. And soon you won't be by my side anymore." She admitted, wrapping her neck around your neck and doing the same to Faline. The equivalent to a hug but in a deers style.

"Don't worry! We will always be close, and when we leave we will still visit." You reassured her.

Faline nodded.

"Yes. We will never forget you, and just like Fern said. We will still visit you." Faline smiled, giving your mother's cheek a nuzzle.

"And I won't forget you two. Now let's stop with this sad behaviour, your time hasn't come yet. Let's make the most of the little time we have left." Your mother smiled.

"You both can go play with your friends, but you must be back to me by the afternoon." She informed you both, you nodded and ran after Faline.

When you spotted Bambi and your friends you ran up to them.

"Hello." Faline smiled as you both approached the group.

"Hello you guys." You greeted them, they waved at you and Faline.

"What's going on?" Faline asked, everyone looked sad.

Then they explained everything to us. Faline looked the most saddened but you were still sad as well.

"I'm sure gonna miss you guys." Bambi muttered sadly.

"Don't worry. We'll see each other again." Faline reassured him, although you could tell she wasn't even sure they would.

"Uh-huh." Flower agreed.

"We'll come visit you, if it's not too far." One of Thumpers sisters piped up.

"But Mama says it is too far." Another sister admitted sadly.

"Shhhh!" The other sister hushed her. She covered her mouth.

"And if you get scared, just be scarier than whatever's scaring you. Grr." Thumper recited, making a growling noise afterwards and reached out his paws to make himself look scarier.

"Bambi." The Great Prince looked down at Bambi, "Its time to go."

"I'll never forget any of you." Bambi promised as he began walking away with his father.

"Of course not. Can't forget your bestest friend." Thumper smiled but it slowly disappeared as Bambi didn't reply.

You all watched as he walked away. When you looked at Faline you swore she shed a tear. As you gave her a comforting nuzzle on the shoulder as you and her walked back to where your mother and you two were supposed to meet.

"I'm sure he will be okay Faline." You reassured her.

Faline smiled at you, you noticed her eyes were brimming with tears.

"You can let it all out Faline." You comforted her, as you had learnt from your mother, letting your tears out meant you were leaving it behind you, not keeping it within you.

You watched as tears poured down her cheeks, she nuzzled you for comfort, you nuzzled her neck.

"It will be hard, but it will all turn out okay." You gave her a soft smile.

She smiled back at you and you continued to walk.

When you reached your mother it was nearly dusk, it had taken a while to walk to her as Faline had let her tears out and you made a few stops to comfort her.

"Mother!" You yelped. She seemed to be grazing and hadn't seen you both yet, she immediately perked her head up and trotted over to you both.

"What's wrong? Faline looks upset." She asked, giving you both a nuzzle.

"Bambi has left with a doe named Mena. That's why she is upset." You informed her, letting your mother comfort Faline.

"Oh dear, it will be okay Faline." She reassured Faline, giving her a comforting nuzzle.

When you all made it back to the thicket you all fell asleep, since it was night and Faline especially needed rest. You hoped Bambi would be alright as you fell asleep.

Falines Twin Sister [BAMBI 1 AND 2 FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now