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Suddenly a fawn with no spots and small stumps on his head, jumps out of nowhere and yells in the groundhogs ear.

"Boo!" The fawn cackles as the groundhog runs back into his hole.

"I just scared the shadow right out of him." The fawn looks around, noticing everyone leaving.

"Hey! Hey! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Why you leaving so soon? Forest on fire?" He ran in front of you, Faline, Bambi, Thumper and his sisters and Flower.

Thumpers sister whimpered and crouched lower, he had sprayed Thumper and Flower in snow.

"Who are you?" Faline asked him.

"Im Ronno. And these are the boys, Stab." He headbutted a tree trunk nearby, "And Jab." When he pulled his head up, a pile of snow fell on him.

"Oof." He muttered.

You giggled quietly. Trotting past him with the others.

"Well, have a nice day." Faline said softly, we all walked away.

"I wouldn't go that way if I were you, that's where I saw man." He shook the snow off of him. Looking at us with narrowed eyes.

We all gasped.

"You saw man?" Bambi said, wide-eyed.

"Uh-huh." He nodded.

"There I was, out in the meadow. And suddenly I heard this voice, luring me in." He grabbed a hollow stick.

"I'm here. I'm here." It echoed. He spat the stick out near Thumper and Flower.

"See. Mans got this stick, that can make his voice sound like one of us. But I'm way too smart for that. So I crept up on him." He demonstrated a crouch, as he crept through the snow. It looked quite silly to be honest.

"Real quiet." He lowered his voice.

And he poked his head above a pile of snow, then ducked it again.

"Then BAM! I hit him with my trusty antlers." He jumped over the snow pile and hit a branch with pine cones with his antlers. The branch hit him in the mouth and stuck two pine cones in his mouth.

Everyone began giggling loudly. He spat the pine cones out.

"That's, quite a story." You admitted.

"Oh. You think so?" He held his head high proudly.

"Mhm. It's uh, unbelievable." You offered a small smile.

"Yeah. Unbelievable." Bambi nodded.

Ronno looked at him with wide eyes.

"You calling me a liar?" He narrowed his eyes, glaring at Bambi.

"No! No. No." Bambi shook his head, flattening his ears.

"You wanna spar do ya?" Ronno lowered his head, jumping around.

"No!" Bambi widened his eyes. Crouching down.

"Clobber him Bambi! Clobber him!" Thumper cheered him on.

"Bambi? Isn't that a girls name?" Ronno teased.

"Come on. Lets go. Just a little friendly competition." Ronno cornered Bambi against a tree trunk. Bambi shivered in fear.

"Ronno!" A voice yelled, everybody turned to see a doe calling for him.

"Coming mother." Ronno replied, looking annoyed.

"Yeah. Maybe you should get going." Faline insisted, you nodded.

"I agree." You stood beside Faline.

"Geez. I was only playing around with him." He looked at Bambi.

"Isn't that right Bambi?" He teased at his name.

"Ronno!" His mother called again.

"I'm coming!" He grunted.

"Ugh! How many times do I have to tell ya, don't bother me when I'm trying to make new friends!" He snapped.

"Sorry dear." She apologised.

You all watched as they walked away.

"You big mamas boy! Why don't you run home to your mama! Big ol' mamas boy!" Thumper yelled after him.

"Thumper!" Another rabbit called, Thumper turned to the voice.

"Coming mama! Gotta go. Cya Bambi." Thumper hopped over to his mother and sisters.

His sisters all giggled.

"Now tell me. What did the groundhog see?" His mother asked them as they hopped out of sight.

"Cya Bambi!" Flower waved goodbye as he followed another skunk.

"Do you want us to walk you home?" Faline asked, nodding to you and herself.

"No. Mmm, my father's coming for me." He told you both.

"Well. It was nice seeing you again Bambi." Faline smiled at him.

"Goodbye." You trotted over to your mother who was waiting for you and Faline. You both nuzzled her and walked away.

"What did the groundhog see?" Your mother asked.

"He didn't see his shadow!" You smiled.

Faline nodded.

"Yeah! I'm so excited. Spring is coming soon!" Faline cheered.

Your mother had a bright smile on her face.

As you all trekked through the snow, your mother placed her front hooves on tree trunks. Ripping pieces of bark that were just in reach off of the trunk, she gave you and Faline a piece each, then got one for herself.

"Yum." You smiled, hungrily eating the bark. Faline ate hers as well.

"Come on you two. We will go back to the thicket now." Your mother nudged you both forward. Walking behind you both.

As you trekked through the knee-high snow once again, you spotted Bambi walking with his father. You wondered if you'd ever meet your father.

As you arrived at the thicket you called home. You layed down with Faline beside you, your mother curled around you both. She kept you warm. As you all fell asleep from the big day.

Falines Twin Sister [BAMBI 1 AND 2 FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now