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In the forest, a doe had just given birth to two fawns. She smiled down at them both, animals of the forest gathered around to see the newborn fawns. The sunlight beamed through the trees, as a bird pecked on a hollow tree, awaking an owl that slept inside it.

"Stop that racket this instant!" He yelled, exiting his hollow.

"Friend Owl! Friend Owl! Wake up! Don't be angry new fawns are born come see!" The bird squawked, hovering in the air near the owl.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Friend Owl grumbled, flying towards the thicket in which the new fawns had been born in.

As the forest creatures were gathering, the owl and the bird landed on a branch to look down upon them all. A doe was lying beside two newborn fawns, one fawn lifted its head, looking around with bright blue eyes. Everyone gasped in awe, not many deer had blue eyes. The second fawn rose its head as well, blinking its blue eyes too. All the creatures gasped again, two newborn fawns with the same eye colour, and they looked nearly the exact same, a few differences though. The bird that had woken Friend Owl up hopped onto the ground. One of the fawns tried standing up, she managed to but was violently wobbling. Then she fell backwards.

The bird smiled, flying above the two new fawns and gently pecking their ears.

"They are some cute fawns if I may say so myself." The bird admitted.

The mother doe nodded.

"They are cute fawns, yes." She agreed with a smile, nuzzling each of them.

The two fawns looked up at their mother, a smile appearing on both of their faces. After a while they both started yawning.

"It seems to me like they are getting kind of sleepy, we should let them rest now. Shoo shoo! Shoo shoo!" Friend Owl made sure everyone was gone as he flew away himself. The bird that had pecked the fawns on their ears stayed though.

"What will you call em?" She asked, hovering in the air.

"Hm, I think Faline and Fern, yes. Faline and Fern." She replied, nuzzling them.

"Pretty names for pretty fawns, goodbye now!" The bird flew away, leaving the doe to be with her fawns.

"Faline." She repeated her fawns name, "Fern."

"My little Faline and my little Fern." She smiled, lowering her head to nuzzle them as she looked up, feeling saddened by the empty spot. The poor fawns would never meet their father. Man took him.

Sorry that it's so short, just didn't really know what else to put. Hope you enjoy, have a good day/afternoon/night

From your beloved Author <333

Falines Twin Sister [BAMBI 1 AND 2 FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now