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POV Lizzy: 

A few months have passed and I've found my peace again, my clothing line is doing great after the merch we released for the race in Texas, I have several collaborations with other small businesses and I'm happy with my life right now, things with Logan are going really well too, even though he seems a little distracted sometimes. I haven't heard from Dominic in a while, so I guess that's good?

I'm on my way to Logan's pitbox to wish him good luck for his race when I see someone go by out of the corner of my eye who looks familiar, I quickly look over and see Richard, an old friend of Dominic's, I don't pay any attention to him and continue on my way. "Good luck Alex!" I yell as I pass his pit box, Alex gives me a thumbs up and I smile as I walk over to Logan.

Logan is standing with his helmet in his hands ready to start qualifying. "Hey, not so fast!" He looks over when I call out to him and smiles. "Not so fast? Isn't that the whole point of racing?" He says teasingly. "You know what I mean." Logan takes my hand and kisses my cheek. "Be safe." "Promise." He says and I kiss him back. He puts on his helmet and goes to his car. 

POV Logan:

As Lizzy walks away from me and I get into my car, I forget everything that has happened to me lately, the messages I still receive and the panic attacks I have developed because of them have caused me to still doubt my decision to stay with Lizzy. I do everything I can to hide it, but one day it will break me. Alex and Oscar are the only ones I talk to about this situation, Lily knows too, but she has promised not to tell Lizzy if they are anywhere together. "Logan! Radio check!" The voice in my ears startles me, bringing me back to reality, the thing I love most, racing. I answer and almost immediately I am on the track with my car.

I reach Q2 today and that is the end for me. A little disappointed, I get out of the car and go to my dressing room to cool off. I take my phone from the table and see another message with no sender, this time with a photo. I open the photo and see myself and Lizzy just before I got into my car. An oppressive feeling hits me in the throat and I try with all my might to catch my breath. With my race suit still tied around my waist, I run to the McLaren pits. "Logan, I think you're in the wrong pit." I hear Zak say to me. "Oscar!" is all I can say, my hands are shaking and people are looking at me a little funny. "He's on the track." Zak says with a raised eyebrow. "If you see him, tell him I'm looking for him and it's urgent!" Without waiting for his answer I walk back to my own pitbox where I bump into James. "Logan, we need to talk." "Now?" "Now yes." I walk back to my dressing room with him and we sit down. "It seems like you haven't been doing so well the last few weeks, do you want to talk about it? Is everything going well? You seem a little tense." It's nothing, I'm just a little tired, that's all." "Even between you and Lizzy? Because you know what I said about the whole situation." "Don't worry, everything's fine, I'll try harder tomorrow, I promise." James nods and stands up, as he closes the door behind him I try to calm down a bit and get dressed and ready for my interviews.

After everyone has done their media duties and I have sent Lizzy back to the hotel with Lily, I go looking for Alex and Oscar again. "Logan! I heard you were looking for me?" Oscar comes running to me through the hospitality. "Have you seen Alex?" I ask, pulling him by the arm to a place where I'm sure I can talk freely. "I thought he was with you, why don't we call him?" Oscar has already pressed Alex's number and I can already hear his cell phone ringing. "He's coming." Oscar says after a 3 minute call. As soon as Alex is with us, I take my cell phone out of my pocket and show the boys the picture.

There is a silence and two questioning looks from them as I shrug my shoulders. "So there is someone who has access to our pit boxes, someone who knows Lizzy." "But who?" That's a question we probably won't get an answer to for a long time. "If I were you, I would tell Lizzy anyway, maybe she knows who it is, I suppose they talk to other people than just us every day". Oscar replies. I shake my head. "No, she's just starting to get better and I wouldn't want to cause her unnecessary distress." "Still I would say something Logan, I really agree with Oscar this time". Alex says with a worried look in his eyes.

When I arrive at my and Lizzy's hotel room later in the evening, it is very quiet. "Liz?" I ask as I walk into the room and see a note hanging on the mirror. "I'll be right back, I'm with Lily, the phone is charging in the room. I look over and find her cell phone on the nightstand next to her side of the bed, thoughts of checking her phone quickly run through my head. What the hell. I sit on the bed and unlock the phone. I go through her contact list, which is mostly business numbers, the blocked number of Dominic and Alex and Lily, nothing weird when I take a quick look. Her pictures look normal and her mailbox is pretty much empty. The only thing I notice is that she has no incoming text messages or phone calls anywhere. I don't want to think about it for too long, it must feel tidy for her to start each day with an empty list. The chaos she sometimes carries around in her head can sometimes be too much for her. I click on her spam messages, and in addition to the usual scams I also get, I notice that a message was sent to her today with a number stored in her cell phone. Richard Hughes,' I click on the message. 'He's watching you.' Is all it says.

The door to the room opens just as I am about to hang up the phone. "Good night and see you tomorrow!" I am glad to hear Lizzy's voice after this strange day, but for me the hardest part has yet to begin, and that is telling her that I am still being followed. 

POV Dominic: 

My informant inside F1 and I have had a fight and he's now threatening to tell Lizzy everything if I don't stop what I'm doing. Richard and I have been friends for years with a healthy argument between us, Richard was the one who first met Lizzy when she was still working at the restaurant where I first saw her. Richard had been there for a business meeting and took me there a few weeks later.

In a fit of anger, I knocked a cup off the table and it shattered as soon as it hit the floor. Since my 'relationship' with Willow, I suffer less from my tantrums, Willow can handle it very well, she has a little brother with the same complaints she told me about. In the meantime I have also started to look for a new home, it doesn't have to be big, as long as it has a basement, preferably a bigger one. Today I have a viewing somewhere in town, I arrive 15 minutes early just to be on the safe side.

As soon as I see someone walking up to the house, I get out of my car, the realtor turns and smiles at me, I reach out to shake his hand. "Dominic Harding." The man introduces himself, but I don't remember his name. "Why the demand for a big basement?" "I like to hobby and I need the space for it, I don't think my girlfriend likes having all my tools in the living room." The man laughs and shakes his head. "No, I can understand that." The tour of the house takes 20 minutes, I am very happy with the place, it is not too big, but it gives me enough room to work out my plans a little further, but first I have to make things right with Richard before I try anything else. 

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