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POV Alex: 

Logan told me that he was going out to dinner with Lizzy, I didn't understand that this was going to be a date, but after seeing my phone light up a few times and reading his messages I quickly understood that he needed my help a little and I needed Lily's, I gave her my phone and she is now typing angrily on it. "Are you writing him a book?" "Shh, don't distract me or I'll lose what I'm trying to say." I shut up and wait for her to finish typing and get my phone back. I read the message she sent him. 'Logan, you have to do what makes you feel good, but remember she is broken, be gentle with her and give her space to figure out what she wants for herself first, try to listen to her well and as you promised show her how a relationship or in this case a date can be very different. Behave nicely, open doors for her, give her compliments and try to touch her subtly now and then, because that's what women like. (In case you haven't figured it out yet, this is Lily, because Alex is not giving good advice)'. "Thanks honey, that's really sweet of you!" I tell her with a wry smile. "No problem." She pats me on the back as she passes and smiles at me. "We should start doing fun things together again." Surprised, I look back at her. "Yeah, that sounds really fun, you've been around so little, let's do something together again!"

POV Dominic:

I quickly find out that Lizzy is not home tonight, I wonder where she is and if she is alone, but I guess not since she is leaving in the evening. I walk through town and pass a restaurant where I take a quick look inside, this is the place where I first met Lizzy when she worked here as a waitress before starting her own business. My eye suddenly catches a couple in the back, I blink and look again, I see Lizzy in a beautiful baby blue dress and next to her I see Logan, could they be on a date? I take my phone out of my pocket and take a picture and send it to my other number. I've already called Logan a few times with my other phone, this number is anonymous and I can forward anything to anyone without them knowing it's me. I hurry back home and grab my other phone and send Logan the picture I just took with the text "We know where you are.

After noticing that my number has been blocked by Logan, the anger in me begins to rise again, it is clearly his fault that Lizzy and I are no longer together, I grab my keys from the kitchen counter and call out to my mother who is sitting in the living room. "Be right back!" I get into my car and drive to Lizzy's house, as I drive down the street I see the lights on in her house, luckily she is home, I hope to meet her alone because I don't know what I will do if I have to face Logan again. Just the thought of his name makes my arm hairs stand up, how I would love to beat that boy up. I slam my car door hard as I get out and take the elevator up and ring the doorbell as I'm standing in front of her door, I hear fumbling inside and a moment later she opens the door ajar. "Oh hey Dominic, I wasn't expecting you, is there anything I can do for you?" She sounds tense. "I came to get my things, can I come in?" "I'll get them for you, you can wait here." It's an answer I don't like, and I don't like the way the door is left ajar, so I push it open a little more, noticing that Lizzy is holding it back. "Maybe I should help with the lifting, that would save a few more trips back and forth." "No, that's really not necessary." I push the door open and my eyes immediately catch Logan sitting on the couch in the living room. I give her an angry look and search for words. 

"I should have known he would be here, why aren't you honest with me Liz!" I get a confused look. "Don't act like you don't know, how long has this been going on between the two of you?" I push her aside and walk into the house without waiting for her to answer. I see Logan get up and walk down the hall, my hands start to shake and I hear Lizzy behind me muttering something I can't understand, before I know it I have Logan pinned against the hall wall and I have him by the throat. "I thought I warned you! Lizzy is my girlfriend!" I hear Logan struggling to breathe, before I can apply any more pressure I feel a heel come into my calf, I let go of Logan and turn to Lizzy. "Get your stuff and fuck off or I'll call the police!" Her eyes seem to spit fire, I have never seen her so angry. "Now!" She yells at me. "You know, throw that shit away, but remember, you're not rid of me yet!" I turn to hear the door slam behind me.

POV Lizzy:

As soon as Dominic is gone and the door is closed, I run to Logan who is on the floor gasping for breath, I pull him into my arms and try to calm him down. We sit on the floor in the hallway for a while until Logan gets his breath back, I slowly run my fingers down his cheek. "I'm sorry you have to go through this, Logan." Logan pulls away from me and slowly tries to stand up, then he reaches his hand out to me and I take it, he pulls me up and pulls me to him, I can feel his breath on my skin. "He's really going to have to come up with something better to keep me away from you Lizzy." I feel my cheeks blush as he says this and I wrap my arms around his neck, we look at each other for a moment and the urge to kiss him grows. I feel my breathing change as I feel him hold me a little tighter, his fingers pushing my chin up a little so that I am now looking straight into his eyes. Slowly I move my head closer to his and feel my nose touching his. My breathing is now completely irregular and I close my eyes, the moment I close them I feel his lips against mine and I am glad that he is holding me because I am about to pass out. It takes a moment for me to realize what is happening and to regain control of my body, the moment I feel him wanting to pull away I press my lips against his and I feel him smile as this happens.
When we break the kiss, I let out a sigh. "Was it that bad?" I try to laugh at his joke, but what had begun so beautifully this evening should have ended beautifully. "I would have imagined this moment differently, not after you were almost choked to death by Dominic." "I can imagine that, but it is what it is, next time I will make it much more romantic, I promise!" I get another fleeting kiss before Logan lets go of me again. "Do you want to stay here tonight? I don't really want to be alone here." I ask him as I go into the kitchen to make some tea so we can calm down for a while. "Sure, no problem." He smiles at me and I feel butterflies in my stomach when he looks at me like that.

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