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POV Lizzy:

When I wake up in the morning, I can't remember anything from the night before, I sit up straight in bed and only then do I realize that Logan is in my bed. I raise my eyebrow and look at him a little funny, gently shaking him back and forth. "Logan, wake up." He moans and turns over. I push against his back and he slowly opens his eyes. "Logan, what are you doing here?" "Good morning, are you okay Lizzy?" "I'm fine, why are you in my bed?" I can't remember anything from the night before Logan sits up straight in bed and looks at me questioningly. "You don't remember anything from last night?" I shake my head. Logan tells me everything, slowly images from last night come back, I remember falling and quickly feel my head with my hands, my hair is dirty and I can feel a small wound. "Maybe it's better if you take a shower, wash the old blood off your wound and then I can see later if it's bad because I couldn't tell yesterday." Without saying anything I get up and go to the bathroom, turn on the tap and let everything Logan said sink in for a moment. I take off my pajamas and step into the shower, the water feels good on my body and slowly the night before starts to come back. There is one sentence that I am not sure if I heard that keeps running through my mind and that is something Logan said, in fits and starts it comes back to me. "And I'm going to make sure this never happens to you again, I'm going to steal you away from your boyfriend." Could he have feelings for me after all, I'm starting to doubt my own feelings now and especially now after waking up next to him, could something have happened yesterday? I will ask him later.

Logan made breakfast, I'm not really hungry, but it would be lame to leave it. "Logan?" He looks up from his breakfast. "Yeah, what's up?" It's hard for me to ask him something because it feels very unnatural to me and I feel like I'm doing something wrong against Dominic. "Do you want to go to the store with me? I need to get some groceries and I'm afraid of running into Dominic if I go alone." "Sure, no problem if I can help you with that." He smiles at me and I look away, not knowing how to act after remembering what he said to me yesterday.

POV Dominic:

I have been with my elders for 2 weeks and have not heard from Lizzy, I saw that she went to Belgium with Williams Racing as they posted pictures of her with the riders on their Instagram account, Lizzy looks happy. I start to think and the worst things come back to me. I am on my way to the supermarket to get food for tonight, I wanted to cook for my parents to show them that I am okay, the last 2 weeks have been hard and I have been fighting with my dad almost every day. Lost in thought, I walk into the store. I do my standard round and grab what I need, I am pulled out of my thoughts when I feel like I see Lizzy walking, slowly I walk to the path where I thought I saw her. I see her and start walking towards her until I see the boy standing at the end of the path. I roll my eyes when I see that it is Logan and all my pent-up anger from the past few days comes back to the surface.

With big steps and without thinking I walk towards Logan, it is clear to see that he is startled by this, I grab his shirt and look at him angrily. "You!" I yell at him, I can hear Lizzy's voice behind me, but I can't hear what she's saying. "This is all your fault, if you had never been there, Lizzy and I would still be together!" Not thinking straight anymore, I make a fist with the intention of hitting him. "Dominic, don't!" Lizzy's voice penetrates me now and I let go of Logan, Lizzy jumps right in. "I think it would be better if we split up." Her words are harsh. "Seriously?" "Yes seriously, I'm done Dominic, I haven't had any feelings for you for a while now." I feel the eyes of the others in the shop burning into ours, I catch Lizzie looking at Logan, he is encouraging her and that is the last straw for me, everything goes black before my eyes and I lash out. I feel my fist hit his arm and chest a few times, but before I have a chance to hit him in the face, I feel someone pull me away from him. I look at the guard who takes a moment to ask me if I want to come with him. "We're not done yet Lizzy, believe me when I get out of here I will find you, I think we need to talk." "I think we have talked enough Dominic, you can come and get your things and then we are done." I am taken to a room above the shop and I look back a few times to see Lizzy busy with Logan again.

POV Logan:

I'm glad it's summer break and I can take a break from racing, the first week of vacation went differently than I had planned, instead of going away with friends I stayed with Lizzy, she broke up with her boyfriend when he attacked me out of the blue in the store, but I also know he still hasn't come to pick up his stuff, I wanted to take Lizzy on vacation with me but she didn't have time to go with me, she said she had appointments for her clothing brand and she wanted to focus on that now. I arranged to go jogging in the park with her a few times, but again she was very distant, as if she didn't dare tell me anything. I lie on the couch and watch TV, luckily I finally had time to decorate my house properly and all the moving boxes are gone now, the room still lacks some charisma, but I personally don't feel like doing anything about that since I won't be home much anyway. Out of the corner of my eye I see the screen of my cell phone light up and show an unknown number, so I pick it up with a raised eyebrow. "Hello?" "Is this Logan?" "Who wants to know?" There is a moment of silence on the other end of the line. "Hello?" I ask again. "Let me warn you! I won't tell you twice." "About what?" The connection drops and I stare at the black screen.

After a run in the afternoon I go to check on Lizzy, I haven't heard from her all day and I'm curious to see how she's doing. I go to her apartment building and take the stairs up, luckily after the last time she gave me a key in case she doesn't hear me ringing when she's at work. As I walk in, I smell fresh pasta. "Lizzy! Hello?" I go to the kitchen and see her standing there, looking at me in surprise. "Logan! I didn't hear you come in, what are you doing?" She leaves the cooking for what it is and comes over to me and I get a firm hug from her, I hold her for a moment and she stays with me for a while. "I wanted to know if everything went well with you, I haven't heard from you all day but it looks like you're okay." I stroke the back of her hair with my hand and she smiles, lets go of me and goes back to cooking. "Since you're here, can you stay for dinner if you want?" "Yeah, that would be great." I sit down at the kitchen table and watch her work, I see her bite her lower lip a few times and somehow it turns me on. I try to shake off these thoughts, I can't think about her like this, she just broke up with Dominic and I can't try to make a move right away, can I? "You're cheerful today." I notice. Lizzy holds up a glass of wine and I know exactly what's going on. "Come on Liz! This is what we talked about, right?" "Yes, I know, but it's just the one during cooking, I promise!" "Yeah, and the one during dinner for sure?" "Maybe." I laugh and shake my head. "Go ahead, if we drink during dinner I'll join you. Then I'm sure you won't drink the whole bottle yourself." She laughs and comes over to me with a wine glass. The dinner is very pleasant, Lizzy tells me about some new collaborations she was offered after our team was announced, I like to see her like this.

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