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POV Lizzy:

I don't know what time I fell asleep, but I know my sleep didn't last long, I'm hot and still a little panicked about what happened. I slowly get out of bed, I don't want to wake Logan up, I know he hasn't been sleeping well himself for weeks. I put on my slippers and walk to the kitchen, to my surprise I see the light on. "Lily?" She looks up and puts her finger to her mouth. "Not so loud, what are you doing here?" "I can't sleep, or well I was sleeping but..." I can't find the words for a moment. "Would you like a cup of tea?" I nod and Lily grabs another mug from the cupboard. We sit down at the kitchen table without saying anything.

After a while I look at Lily who is already sitting at the table with her eyes half closed. "Lily, can I ask you something?" She shakes her head and takes another sip of her tea. "Sure." She mutters. "This might sound weird, but could I stay with you for a while? I mean, you're always alone here when Alex is away." "You don't want to sleep at home, is that it?" I nod. "Yes, I can't get any work done at home, I can't sleep and I'm afraid of every sound that comes from the hall, I'm afraid that Dominic will be there again." "I don't mind if we have girls' day once a week." I smile, that sounds like something that could be a lot of fun. "Sure, that shouldn't be a problem." I take my last sip of tea and give her a hug before gently walking back to my room.

Gently I try to crawl back into bed. "Where have you been?" I hear Logan mumble as he keeps his eyes closed. "Just having tea with Lily." I say as I lie down, Logan puts an arm around me and I feel a kind of peace come over me. Everything is going to be okay, I try to tell myself in my head, I get a kiss on my hair and feel my eyes get heavy again.

POV Dominic:

I hadn't seen Lizzy at her house in a while, nor had I seen Logan, nor had either of them been to the park in a while. I tried calling Lizzy a few times on a private number, but it went straight to voicemail. I paced the room a little restlessly, trying to figure out how I could find out where she was and if she was still with Logan. As I walked around the room, I was jolted out of my thoughts when my cell phone rang, it's someone I've had a lot of contact with over the last few days, who knows a lot about the F1 world and gets a lot of information from inside. I answer and listen to what he has to say. With my cell phone in one ear and a can of soda in the other, I sit down on the couch.

"So I've heard that Logan and Lizzy spend a lot of time apart, I've also heard that Lizzy sometimes sleeps at a friend's house, she's supposedly not doing very well emotionally and has anxiety attacks when she's home alone." "Hmm, she's never had that before." I mumble back, not thinking it could have anything to do with me, since I haven't done anything wrong. "There's a new clothing design coming out for Austin's race, which will probably have a photo shoot in the park this week, and that will complete the clothing for this campaign." I continue to listen to the information I'm getting, and every time I hear Logan, I try to stop myself from throwing my phone. When I hang up after a while, I get nervous and grab my coat from the coat rack and my car keys.

I drive by Lizzy's apartment again, I am surprised to see her car parked there. I park a few meters away and wait until I see her coming out, next to her is a lady I have never seen before, she is the same size as Lizzy and it looks like they are having a good time together. As soon as the two of them get into Lizzy's car and drive away, I decide to follow them, as this could be the friend she is staying with. Funny how confused she will be when I find her again. Immediately new ideas pop into my head to get in contact with Lizzy, one of these ideas is to make her jealous, but before that I hope to have talked to her once more so I can make it clear to her how I feel about this break up, I want her to feel as bad as I do and instead of her making new friends and finding old ones, I want everyone she talks to to start hating her for always talking about me, I don't care if it's good or bad, any kind of attention is fine.

I'll get Logan if I run into him again, I have a few things in mind for him too, but I'll need someone who can get to his race car inconspicuously, someone they won't expect. My mind is working overtime like every day, the thought of seeking help has come to me, but what good would that do me, I wasn't helped when I went into my depression either, I had to do that all by myself.

I try to calm my mind and keep my focus for a moment as I pull into a residential area, trying to keep as much distance as possible from Lizzy's car, pulling my car to the side as I see her pull up to the driveway of a large house and watch the gate slowly open, as soon as the gate closes behind her I pull in a little closer to see if I can find the house number somewhere. Number 23, I save the street name and number in the notes of my phone, then I want to drive away but wait a little longer when I see another car pull into the driveway, I quickly look into the car and see Logan. Of course I should have known that he could be found where she is, shaking my head I quickly drive behind his car and have to stop myself from honking, that would be too conspicuous, but ideally I would have gotten out and pulled him out of his car, but well, that can always be done if my other plans don't work out.

POV Logan: 

Lily asked me if I wanted to come over for dinner tonight, as I have been sitting at home for a few days trying to get some rest and go over some arrangements with my trainer Ben for the upcoming races, and I also told him why I have been absent with my thoughts lately. Ben thinks I should press charges, but I don't know who, that's the point. I told him about Lizzy and that we kissed but other than that I feel that there is tension between us but it doesn't feel the same as when I first saw her, Lizzy is so upset after our first date, she's sleeping at Alex and Lily's these days, I'm glad that Lily wanted to take care of her but I find it hard to get close to her, she gives a lot of different signals, Ben gave me advice to go for it if I really want it, I shouldn't wait and take my chances. Somehow he's right, but I don't want to go too fast for her. I drive up the driveway to Alex's house and the gate opens, while I'm waiting to go inside a car comes speeding around the corner, I quickly look in my rear view mirror and in the speed of the passage I thought for a moment I saw Dominic sitting in the car but he wouldn't be here, I still don't like it but I keep it to myself until the subject comes up again. I wait a moment to get out of the car until the gate closes again just to make sure no one is following me, then I walk to the front door and before I can ring the bell Lizzy opens it, I am surprised when she immediately flies around my neck. "Logan! I missed you." I laugh. "What's with the greeting?" Lizzy grabs my hand and pulls me inside. "Alex and Lily are leaving." "Leaving? We were supposed to have dinner together, right?" I raise my eyebrow. "Yes we were, but not the four of us, Lily brought you here with an excuse." Lizzy smiles, I'm glad to see her excited about something I don't quite understand. I hear Lily laughing from the kitchen and we go in that direction.

"I made you dinner like I promised! Go and enjoy yourselves tonight, Alex and I will be back late!" Without another word she leaves the kitchen and I hear her and Alex walking away. I sit down at the table with Lizzy and it is quiet for a while. "Is that why I haven't heard from you in the last few days?" I finally ask her. "Yeah, sorry, I thought if we go out then something is always in the way of us having a nice evening again, so I thought we could watch a movie afterwards?" I smile at her. "Silly." With the thoughts of what I just saw still fresh in my mind, I try to enjoy what she has arranged for me.

Dinner was very enjoyable and after a while I forgot about my gut feeling and felt completely fine again. Lizzy gets up to take the dishes to the kitchen. "Let me do that, please." "No, I can do it." I don't listen and go to help her anyway as we both bend over the dishwasher at the same time and I feel her head hit mine. We both laugh hard and I look at her for a moment, bringing my hand to her cheek and letting it slide slowly down her cheek, the other hand grabbing hers and pulling her closer to me. "Thanks Liz." I whisper, she smiles and wraps her arms around my neck, slowly I bring my head closer to hers and I feel her breathing get heavier, gently I press my lips to hers and this time I don't feel her hesitate, this time I feel her smile and I wrap my arms around her waist to deepen our kiss. When we break the kiss, I have to laugh. "What are you laughing at?" "I told you, I promised you a better kiss." Lizzy starts to laugh too.

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