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" I kinda bought all your gifts from last years back .. to return .. " Jisung said looking into Minho's eyes who immediately blinked rapidly to not let the tears fall .. but failed ..  a single drop of tear rolled down his cheeks and soon felt all his built up confidence was crumbling down .. Minho internally cursed himself for hoping .. 'How did I even hopped Jisung .. the Jisung would give me a chance .. forget love ... the boy is probably disgusted by me ..he is just calm because he is kind

Seeing Minho's tears Jisung felt weird .. something twisted in his stomach a very odd feeling which he did not like at all .. " Minho .. wh--why .... tears  ??" Jisung asked gulping with trouble 

Minho shook his head wiping his tears away ... and pursed his lips to form something that could look like a smile.... clearing his throat .. " umm .. sorry .. I think something went in my eyes .. "   

" I told you ... you look ugly crying ... stop doing that in front me .. " Jisung said now feeling a bit uneasy ... 

" so -- sorry ... " Minho looked away trying to compose himself .. 

Jisung stood up .. walked where Minho was sitting .. grabbed his hand and started walking outside .. Minho did not understand what Jisung was doing . but he felt too drained .. both physically and mentally to protest or question .. 

They reached Jisung's car and Jisung let go of Minho's hand .. thought it meant nothing .. having his hand held by Jisung for a brief minute made him feel nice ..  Jisung opened his car's trunk and minho swear he heard his heart crack at the sight .. the trunk was filled with all his surprise gifts that he had given Jisung over the last years... 

" I want you to take them all back .. " Jisung pointed to the trunk and looked at Minho who was stumbling to stand...he felt giddy .. he did not hope for Jisung to come running into his arms .. but he never expected Jisung would just shut him away .. now he understood why Jisung had asked him to delete his number ... Jisung was trying to erase every slightest connection he had with Minho and it was breaking his heart to bits ... they barely had another half year of school before going to collages and most probably this will be the last they would be seeing each other up close .. Minho would have preferred to look at his love from far rather than being shoved away disgusted like this . .

Jisung waited but Minho was in no condition to talk at the moment .. Minho was too heart broken to even know how to speak .. his skin was tuning pale and the next second he collapsed to the ground unable to accept the fact that this was the end of his hope .. his years spent fondly in the admiration of his crush .. his love .. his everything was now over... Jisung wanted him to go way...  

Seeing Minho faint .. Jisung panicked and reached out quickly holding Minho in his arms .. slowly tapping his cheeks to try and wake him up ... but with no luck .. he tried for another couple minutes before calling the emergency number and taking him to the hospital .. 

Doctors checked Minho and said "seems like the boy is exhausted .. has he had any food ".. Jisung did give him the cake but never saw Minho take a bite of it ... " I -- I am not sure .. " Jisung said .."okay dont worry .. let him rest here for couple hours .. Hopefully he will wake up by then" ..  Jisung nodded ... "do you know if he is on any medications ??? " ... Jisung shook his head  .. " umm .. then if you know his family ..can you call them to inform about him being here .. also i will give some basic energy supplement fluids through IV so that he feels better sooner .. and relax .. your friend will be fine soon .. " the kind doctor spoke to a very worried looking Jisung .. 

Soon the doctor and nurse left the room and Jisung sat next to Minho looking at his pale but still very beautiful face .. his features were gorgeous and there was no way Jisung could still believe how someone as good looking as Minho could possibly fall for a boy like him who looks like a rat with chubby cheeks ..   

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