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Jisung was shocked to see Chan standing in front of him wearing an over sided hoodie with a cap and tracks which were all black .. the person who always gave a bright smile was now stood before him with a very intimidating expression ..  Jisung without realising took couple steps back ... because Chan was someone who had a spotless reputation and was looked as an angel by everyone at school teachers students just went to him . ... Jisung could not process that that same person was his crazy psychotic stalker ... 

" why are you so difficult Jisung ... why cant you follow some simple requests ... ??" Chan asked in a low voice and Jisung could swear he started sweating and fear spreading through out his body ... though he tried so hard  no words could be formed and spoken ... jisung just did not expect Chan out of all people at school ... 

Chan stepped forward towards Jisung and involuntarily Jisung started walking back until he hit the table and looked back having no more place ... his anxiety quickly escalating and small beads of sweat forming on his forehead .. 

" Sit on the chair and put your hands at the back ... " Chan spoke while his voice getting dangerously low .... Jisung immediately stumbled but sat quickly on the chair next to him facing his back to approaching Chan ..  his breathing hitched with Chan took hold of Jisung's hand and started tying them together and his legs to the chair .. " should have done this as soon as i got you here ... would have saved all this additional hassle .. " . Chan finished tying and bent over on the table to grab the blindfold and put it on his face ..he walked out without any more words ... 

as soon as jisung heard the door shut harshly .. he could control his heavy sobs ... he was utterly petrified ... the death look Chan's eye had sent chills down his spines and he was freaking out .. all his soft thoughts about the tender encounter he remembers turned into a scary dream .. Jisung for some reason expected his stalker to be after all a soft one but the way Chan towered over him his bone shivering at his low voice and that daunting look in his eyes made him terrorised .. 'how could I be such a bad judge of a person .. how could i find such a dual personality person nice .. how was i even considering to give him a chance .. ' 

soon Jisung heard a light knock on the door and heard it crack open .. Jisung started breathing heavily hoping for the worst... 

instead a soft familiar voice which pleased  .. ''please dont cry .. I cant bare it ...please ..

Jisung blinked even with the blind fold on and his hand tied ... realisation soon hitting him ... Chan did not sound anything like the person he met before .. his touch was different ... he -- he isnt my stalker .. for no good reason a sense of relief washed through jisung's body ... but ... wh--what if he is scarier than Chan ... "oh my god"  jisung mumbled loudly sensing his fears walking right back at him .. 

" I -- I bought you cheese cake and chocolate shake " the person standing in the room spoke 

" i would rather die than eating something from you .. you people are so scary and creepy .. " jisung said but his voice came out all shaky ... 

" Jisungieee ... please dont hate me... and even Chan doesn't deserve any hate ..

" really .. you think i should not be scared by the people who broke someone's arm, sent one to the hospital, scared one to a point he is leaving the country and wanted to kidnap my best friend but thankfully i came and got caught in your sick plan ... " Jisung was almost shouting at this point ... tears not ready to stop .. drenching his blindfold.... 

A chair squeaked next to him  and Jisung felt a hand slowly creasing his head with one hand and other creased his back and shoulder leaning down close to his ears whispered  .. " calm down jisungiee .. calm down ... "

Secret Admirer --- MINSUNGWhere stories live. Discover now