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Jisung could not speak for a while and his stalker also fell silent now assured the love of his life hates him ... he slowly started to stand up making the chair move which pulled Jisung out of his train of thoughts .. 

" wh--where are you going ... ??? " Jisung put his hands up in the attempt of grabbing the hand of the person next to him .. 

" it ---it hurts to sense the hate from you ... it breaks my heart to see you mile away even when you are sitting right next to me ... " Jisung's stalker spoke in between soft sobs .. 

" when you knew that your actions can hurt others and also make me feel bad and sad about it .. why did you let it happen ..??? " Jisung questioned still his hand out stretched for the other to grab .. 

" Do-- can-- I hold your hand .. ? ?" stalker asked stuttering to which Jisung replied with a nod ... he quickly intertwined their fingers holding Jisung's hand as his life depended on it ... 

" I -- I -- never wanted to hurt anyone .. I promise .. but when Jason teased you and made you uncomfortable .. my blood boiled and the frustration of not being able to do anything right then and there made me feel pathetic and hopeless  .."

Jisung could feel the grip around his hand tightened so he slowly moved his other hand and creased gently to sooth the other .. which worked as magic and his stalker quickly relaxed melting to Jisung's touch  .. knowing he relaxed  " so by breaking Jason's hand helped me in any way ??? " Jisung questioned but in a soft gentle voice ..

" Uhh .. ..i--- .... but he would never dare to do what he did again .. " Jisung heard the response and shook his head in disagreement ... " if violence was the way to deal with everything then there would not be words like peace love and forgiveness.... " Jisung calmly replied ...

" but --- " Jisung's stalker was about to protest but Jisung cut him off ... " so .. you took Chan's help to harm ??

" ummmm.... " he contemplated for a while before answering .. " actually ... it was only Chan .. I did not tell him or ask him to do anything ... I would also get to know about it after it happened .. but .. seeing you were not bothered after . I --  I didn't ask him to stop "  Jisung's stalker sounded very hesitant 

" what ???? ... why would Chan do it ??????" Jisung raised his voice 

Jisung's stalker slowly let go of their interviewed hands and pulled his sweater up and made Jisung feel the uneven skin on his arm ... Jisung could not understand at first with his blindfold on what it was but soon he realised gasping loudly ... those were deep cuts from his self harm episodes ... but how come there were so many Jisung though ... 

" I -- I -- would pass out .. Chan would find me .. treat me and then take out his frustration on the cause of my trigger ... " he replied to which Jisung quickly pulled his hand back .. 

his stalker felt his chest swell in sorrow looking at how Jisung snapped his hands away " I know .. its disgusting .. its awful to look at ...  i -- I --.. its sickening to even touch .. I am pathetic ..I -- " Jisung's stalker was cut off when Jisung somehow managed to pull the person next to him in to tight hug .. he creased his back and whispered .. " no you are not pathetic ... some cuts on your body dont make you disgusting or awful ... yes you could have made some wiser choices for distractions ... and let Chan know that hurting others was not a good idea ... but dont say or think about yourself that way ... " .... Jisung felt bad knowing this reaction was due to him pulling his hands away .. he wasn't disgusted he was just sad because he was the main reason for all this ...  

Jisung's stalker was beyond shocked... though his eyes were foggy with all the tears of disgust but his feelings getting all more stronger .. the hug .. the warmth .. the console .. and the words made him feel relaxed .. happy and also confirm that he has fell in love with the most gorgeous human who is beautiful inside out ... 

after the stalker calmed from all the overwhelming emotions .. and his breathing was back to normal he felt Jisung pulling away from the hug ." wait dont stop hugging me .. im still crying ... " jisung's stalker whined at loosing the closeness .. 

Jisung chuckled slightly and his stalker could swore that there was no one as beautiful as Jisung ... with a bit of hesitation .. he slowly touched Jisung's cheeks and murmured ... " you know its difficult to not go wild when the love of your life is this cute beautiful sweet and caring

Jisung felt a sudden eruption of butterflies at the pit of his stomach making  him blush ... hoping his stalker couldn't see as half of his face was still covered with blind fold ..  

"ahhh ... open your mouth jisungiee ... " jisung herd his stalker say .. though confused he did as told and seconds later his palate was blessed with the most delicious lemon curd cheese cake.. and a satisfied moan left his mouth making his stalker stiffen and slightly malfunction ... 

" this is so yum yum yum .. " Jisung smiled enjoying the first bite  and quickly opened his mouth to be fed more ... to which his stalker continues to feed him with a content smile plastered on his face ..." oh my god ... these are so good .. I could eat this every day .. "  Jisung mumbled with his mouth full ... 

" really . they taste that good ??? " his stalker asked  ...

 " absolutely ..... " jisung replied .......... to which his stalker leaned slowly licking Jisung's bottom lip where some of the lemon curd icing was there and pecked his shocked soft lips before sitting back on his chair ... 

" heyyyy .... "  Jisung groaned trying to look offended .. but his clearly was not ... he missed the feeling of those perfect lips .. and actually craved for more .... 

"sorry ... " his stalker said in a small voice .. thinking he over stepped his boundary for not asking Jisung his consent .. 

" why do you always act and then apologise ... ??? " Jisung continuing to sound angry ...

his stalker felt sad on the comment .. but Jisung was currently far from being serious .. his mind was still yearning for the touch of those lips .... 

" I -- I -- should leave .. I will open your hands now .. please -- " his stalker said .. to which Jisung completed the sentence saying .. " I promise I wont look .. this is an actual promise ..

his stalker untied his hands and legs .. Jisung sat back on the chair making grabby hand .. "carry me to the bed ......my legs are all stiff from being tied up .. "

a delightful smile surfaces his stalkers face ... he carried Jisung bridal style to the bed as careful as he can ..as if its written all over Jisung 'Fragile  hand with care ..' .. 

he placed Jisung on the bed but ... but Jisung doesn't let go of his neck .. instead he pulls him closer until his lips hits his nose instead of his lips ... "oopss .. not what i was aiming for .. " Jisung giggles and his stalker takes the opportunity to connect their lips for a soft and endearing kiss .. it goes slow .. filled with passion and a lot of emotions ... every time their lips collided .. it made Jisung somehow wanting to listen to the other .. somehow wanting to give them a change to explain .. give him a chance to express ... give him a chance basically .. because even with all the bad things and all the negatives .. the sincerity in how his stalker showed his love and affection towards Jisung just made him believe he wasn't lying when he said he loves him ... 

If you were Jisung would you forgive the stalker and give him a chance ??????

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