one - the beginning

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             THE world is harsh. It beats you and breaks you in more than one way. I guess that's why I've never truly been able to trust anyone. There's always a seed of doubt in my mind, always the suspicion that they could turn on me at any moment.

I blame this on the fact that I practically grew up without a father. I had one, he wasn't dead, and my parents weren't divorced, he was just never there. I learnt that I had to protect myself and my siblings. I was the oldest, I bore the responsibility on my shoulders. I had to help my mother as much as I could.

I never had a childhood, not a real one. I never played with dolls or toys. Instead I worked, I babysat my siblings. I grew up faster than any child should have. I saw and heard things about my father's work that no child should see or hear.

Maybe that's why I turned out the way I am.

Maybe that's why I left.

Who knows.

The only thing that I know is that I left.

I left them all because I couldn't handle it any longer.

Seven years later and here I am. I found someone who was loyal to me, my best friend Allison Mae Revak. She's basically my sister. I love her like one, and I trust her more than I would ever trust anyone.

She's the one who does all the technological stuff. She finds me my clients and she handles the money transfers. If anyone tries to cheat us out of anything... well, that's where I step in.

I'm a hitwoman, an assassin, a vigilante. I kill for money, and I do it well. Nobody ever catches me and nobody ever will. I'm too good at what I do, and that's not me being cocky, it's just the truth.

I wasn't stupid, I knew that the CIA, FBI, MIA, S.H.I.E.L.D., and even HYDRA were after me, they had been for years. I'd been on their most wanted list for who knows how long, but they didn't know anything about me other than I was known as 'Rose' or 'The Martyr.'

Don't ask me why 'marytr' I won't tell you.

Allie and I were currently living in New York City in a stunning penthouse in Manhattan. Now of course, you may be wondering why I'm living in the exact same city as the Assvengers if I'm on their most wanted list.

Well, that's because this is where a lot of my clients' targets are, which means this is where the money is. So, New York was where I was currently living. 

The streets were busy as I walked down them. So many people on so many different paths, and then there I was, walking down the street with a gun in my pants and nobody knew. Nobody knew that in an hour someone would be dead by my hands. Nobody passing me on the street knew that I was a killer. It was exhilirating.

"Woah, I'm so sorry."

Catching myself against the side of a building, my eyes looked up to meet the baby blue eyes of God's right hand man himself.

"Are you alright," he questioned, his brows furrowed slightly in worry as he looked me over.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I responded, keeping my voice neutral. "You should watch where you're going next time," I said before walking past him and continuing down the street.

I could feel his gaze on me until I turned a corner and was out of his view. Smirking slightly to myself, I wrap my fingers around my gun and continue on towards my destination.

Walking into the large S.H.I.E.L.D. building, I had to refrain from allowing myself to be in awe of the building. Walking up to the front desk, I gave a sweet smile to the receptionist.

𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐒 - 𝐁. 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now