XX. Celebrated

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Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

"Bexley, we're going to be late to Gran and Gus'.Can you please just wear these pants?" I begged, holding out a pair of dark purple jeans. 

Bexley folded her arms and pursed her lips. "No. I hate those, they make me fat!" 

Casper snorted behind me, while I sat on the floor in front of Bexley's dresser. "You could literally never look fat in anything right now. They're just puffy." 

"Nuh-uh. Those are the fat pants. Can't you find my green ones?" She was on the verge of tears and having a full on meltdown. 

"Baby, your green pants are in the washer. They were really dirty. You can't wear them tonight. Please just choose something else. Anything." 

She perked up for the first time and stared at me quizzically. "Anything?" she asked slowly. The small smile forming on her lips made me instantly regret my choice of words. Still, I nodded. "Okay," she chirped. "I want to wear my smash smash costume." 

"Oh, sweetheart... What about your princess one?" 

Aunt Lydia was definitely going to find a subtle way to tell me I was being a horrible mother. But Bexley just shook her head and pouted until I gave in and let her wear the hockey player uniform that Soren had bought for her on one of their days out together. 

Casper didn't support the decision. He wanted her to wear a dress, or something girlier. While, sometimes, she absolutely loved to dress up and pretend to be a princess, she really, really loved hockey. I also wanted to be on time, and didn't feel like power-tripping my three-year-old. 

"Finally!" Soren grumbled the moment we stepped inside Gran and Gus'. It was starting to snow a bit outside, so the whole party was being held out in the barn, which was practically the same size as their entire house. "Always late. The party's outside. Let's go. Hello, Bexley, my love. Your outfit is dope." 

Bexley beamed. "I know." She and Duke ran ahead while I lagged a bit with Casper and Soren. 

"Did you prep him yet?" Soren asked pointedly, like he wasn't standing right next to us. 

"Prep me for what?" 

I shook my head and Soren sighed loudly. He threw an arm around my shoulders and pulled me to a stop in the freezing cold halfway to the barn. 

"Oh, Aspy. I love you. But you're so naive." To Casper, he said, "I wish she'd given you the full rundown, but here's the cliff notes version. My family is crazy. They're rude, loud, pushy, nosy, and very rarely sober. But they're also loyal, fun, and pretty much always up for anything. And most of all, they love Aspen. Even more than they like me. So, just brace yourself." 

I ducked out from under Soren's arm and scowled at him. "They do not love me more, liar. But otherwise, yes. That's a very apt description." 

Soren scowled right back and pinched me lightly. "Dad does. He says it all the time." 

I decided not to argue as we caught up with Bee at the barn entrance, and we all walked in together. The music was loud, but it was all my favorites, so I didn't complain. There was a huge banner hung from one side to another that said, WE LOVE YOU, ASPEN, BEXLEY, AND DUKE! There were four long tables set up with food, four others with different games, and still a few more just for sitting. 

Aunt Lydia, Uncle Sebastian, and their four kids were all crowded around one of the game tables playing a card game version of an old side scroller called, Boss Monster. And it looked like Lacy was going to win. Again. In fact, I was pretty sure she was completely undefeated. 

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