Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:
It's been a month and Haley has been keeping up with her daily schedule, she also been getting to know Kevin and Mrs. Tran while the boys have been on hunts. Haley was worried when the boys haven't gotten back yet and when they didn't was just Sam. Sam had to explain to Haley what happened and she immediately hug Sam and burst into tears. She was just getting to know her dad and he was already gone. She knew him working as a hunter would kill him someday but she wasn't expecting to be today.

She later found out that Dean was not dead and was actually a demon and was told to stay in her room to keep her safe from her father until Sam figured out away to save him. That's when Castiel swoop in and save the day after Dean was running around the bunker trying to kill everyone in his sight.

Now Dean was back to normal after Sam cured him and they all decided they needed a family vacation away from hunting for a while. Haley was excited because she been trapped in the bunker for a month and it sucked.

Most days trying to keep up with schedule but now that she was getting a break from school anyways they decided to go out a cabin and have a nice family chill not thinking about monsters. Kevin liked the idea because at least he got a break from the tablet.

Haley: thanks for doing this Dean, I know it's been hard to give up hunting but you deserve a break every now and then. Plus I could really use a break
Dean: sure kid, you earn it. Plus I'm proud of you
Haley: really?
Dean: yeah despite everything that happened you were able to keep up with schoolwork, stay out of trouble and everything. When we first met you were having a hard time adjusting to everything
Haley: well I was happy to be away from home
Dean: what's up Haley, anytime you mentioned home, you get sad
Haley: uh... I just miss mom that's all
Dean: are you sure, nothing at all to do with your step-dad
Haley: he wasn't my step dad he was mom's boyfriend and I rather not talk about it!
Dean: okay, okay... we won't talk about it
Haley: good so never bring him up again
Dean: okay, okay

Haley's POV
I don't know if Dean knows but he kept pressuring to talk with me about it with him. I'm just not ready to tell him yet. I wasn't sure what he would think of me.

With Sam and Dean:
Sam and Dean were packing up for the family trip.

Dean: Sam... I think something is wrong with Haley
Sam: why you say that?
Dean: when I brought up her step dad she gave me this look like she doesn't want to speak about it
Sam: you don't think?
Dean: yeah I think so... but I don't want to jump to conclusions until she's ready to talk to us about it
Sam: that can explain why she and her mom hasn't had the best relationship because her mother let that man into their lives
Dean: that can also explains why she was desperate to get out of that house

When they arrived at the beach house they were met by Jodie, Charlie, Donna and Alex. Haley met everyone there and was happy there was another girl around even if they weren't the same age. She was just happy to get out of the house because her and Kevin were getting on each other nerves that's when Sam suggested a family vacation.

They all agreed no words about hunting or work for Dean sanity because they all wanted Dean to get back into things again.

Dean: hey kid, why don't you and I take a walk on the beach today
Haley: okay, and do what exactly?
Dean: you know talk catch up, and maybe *throws football in the air* play a little football
Haley: um... okay *looks at the females before leaving with Dean*
Jody: what was that about? *to Sam*
Sam: Dean thinks something is bothering Haley and he wants to talk to her about it
Jody: what exactly?

With Haley and Dean:

Dean was trying to throw ball at Haley but she wasn't much of catcher or a thrower.

Dean: come on Haley, you can do better than that
Haley: sorry, I suck at sports
Dean: with me helping you, you will get better
Haley: why do you care so much about me. Despite the fact that I'm your kid
Dean: well... I see a little girl that's trouble who's a lot like me in many ways. She's afraid to speak about certain things that happened in her life and lot like me. You would not believe the certain things I been through in my journey. I lost people, I lost myself if it wasn't for Sam faith, I probably wouldn't be who I am today
Haley: what about me?
Dean: well I'm thankful to have more members of my family. It was always just me and Sam. You have given hope that I have a family, never thought I would have a family with the life style I lived. I tried it once didn't work out
Haley: what that means?

Dean told her about her history with Ben and Lisa and what he had to do.

Haley: you wiped their memories? Why would you mess with their brains like that
Dean: I was worried for Ben, I was worried he would want to hunt like me. I don't want that for you. My plan for you is to keep you safe
Haley: would you ever do that to me? Wipe my memories
Dean: after what I did for Sam... if it's something serious like you don't want to remember certain things than most definitely, but to completely wipe your memories about you knowing us. I would never do that too. I want you to get to know me as your dad but not as a hunter, but you can't have it one way
Haley: why?
Dean: because for some reason it's my job to save the people. Without the Winchesters the world would be falling apart
Haley: it sucks you guys got that on your shoulders. I'm sorry you had to go through that Dean
Dean: your mom told me you been through a lot, so if you need to talk to me or Sam, we are always here for you. Don't be afraid to come to speak to us, okay?
Haley: okay

Dean and Haley continues throwing ball together and they hung out on the beach for a bit and then they decided to go some place to get some pie.

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