Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

When they reached the bunker they were met by Kevin and Mrs. Tran. When they walked in Mrs. Tran sprayed them with holy water and Dean said.

Dean: really?
Mrs. Tran: had to make sure my boy was safe, what took you so long
Sam: apparently Dean has a little surprise
Mrs. Tran: oh hello I didn't see you there
Haley: it's okay, I'm not much noticeable
Dean: Mrs. Tran this is my daughter Haley, Haley this is Mrs. Tran and her son Kevin she will be staying with us
Kevin: I didn't know you had a kid
Haley: neither did he
Dean: it's was a surprise... I know we weren't expecting this but everyone please remember she only here to live normal
Kevin: does she know what we do? Because our life is never normal
Haley: yeah I've very well, they gave me the Supernatural talk already
Kevin: and that you're not allowed to tell anybody
Haley: yup... which is why I don't understand why I have to go to school
Kevin: yeah, why doesn't she homeschool like me, I can help her out show her the ropes
Sam: how will you be able to do that and study the tablet? Don't worry I will take care of Haley's school, plus she got a lot to do and catch up
Haley: no I don't
Sam: your dad said you got kicked out of school and haven't been in school ever since because nobody cared to make sure you went to school. I'm very passionate about school more than your dad is and I'm damn well not letting my niece fall back in school
Haley: oh please you just met me
Sam: watch me, you don't know me when it comes to school so I suggest you listen to everything I do for you in the next week
Haley: *rolls eyes* whatever
Dean: I'll show you around and then take you to your room and then will meet in the kitchen and discuss some rules we set for you
Haley: oh wonderful

Haley said following Dean around and Dean showed her where everything is except where everything is.

Kevin: *to Sam* she's pleasant...
Sam: she's been through a lot
Kevin: not as much as me
Mrs. Tran: Kevin please it's not a competition
Sam: she just lost her mom, you still have your mom despite everything that happened this year, be grateful you still have a mother
Kevin: sorry Sam
Sam: sorry... that's was a bit personal to me too

With Haley:

After Haley was settled into her new room it was a lot different than being in her other room and she felt happy about it because their was too triggering memories in that room and she couldn't wait to get settled in this one knowing she will feel safe with Sam and Dean. Sam said she would get her more stuff for her room so she can feel at home a lot better.

She headed to the kitchen and found Sam and Dean and Dean said.

Dean: hey I'm making sandwiches you want any
Haley: sure... I guess
Sam: Haley I signed you up for homeschool they said you can start Monday but you have a lot of catching up to do since you're a little behind
Haley: can you help me with that? I'm not bright in school and could use all the help I can get
Sam: sure kiddo

Haley sat down and Sam showed her lesson plan on her schooling on what she has to do to keep up with her schoolwork.

After they got settled the rules of home schooled where that Haley has to follow the routine schedule and everything Sam has laid out of her, if she doesn't she will be in serious trouble with him. Then Dean got down and laid the law.

1. Haley was not allowed to leave the bunker unless it's with either one of them.
2. If she wants to learn to hunt she would need special training everyday.
3. Chores must be done on time and on schedule

Haley daily schedule was: keeping her bed nice and tidy, no eating her room, no clothes lying on the floor. Now that the boys knows she knows how to cook they expect her to cook every once in a while and also help out with laundry

4. no lying, sneaking around or hiding things from them. They told her they know everything and she will always get caught if she tries anything which she believes isn't true.

Haley was surprise with a new cellphone and new laptop also had phone rules which was basically simple. Sam had to destroy her other device in case they tried to trace her call. "Keep the phone on you at all times, if one of them calls she must answer, if one of them text you, you must answer it" Sam also gave her a rule about the laptop. The laptop was also only to be used in the library only to do school or at her desk in her room and every electronic must be returned to them at bedtime.

5. 3 Warnings before a spanking, every warning she gets she will have to do an excerise no matter where they're to help keep up with her training. If it's a major rule she break it will be a major spanking.

Haley was not use to this many rules or schedule it felt nice to have a dad and uncle that actually cares, her mother made no effort she mostly had to take care of herself she tried everything to get her mom's attention for years but she was always busy with the diner or her ex's boyfriend. She was glad to have something with the boys because she started to like her new life style.

Chapter End Notes:
This time I laid out the rules for y'all on what to expect and when to know when something is coming, but now you know why Haley needs a schedule or routine because her mother never cared to give her that growing up. Her mother would rather be her friend than be a parent but Dean is more parental figure he lays down the law especially with their line of work anything can happened. Reminder this is a what if Sam and Dean have a kid would they allow her to stay with them or go with Jody. In my perspective I think with them although they lost a lot of people in their lives, I know if one of them found out they had a kid in the world they would treat them like family. You saw how Dean always act with Jack, Claire, Alex and the other girls he was always over protective over them and was more of a stern parent with them. Sam was more of the calm parent and he understood the girls feelings. That's why I make Dean the way he is in my books. Hopefully you guys get a better understanding now.

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