Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:Haley comes down the stairs and sees her mom getting ready for work

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Chapter 1:
Haley comes down the stairs and sees her mom getting ready for work.

Haley: hi mom, bye mom
Mom: freeze!

Haley haults in her stops and turns around.

Haley: yes momma?
Mom: don't yes momma me, what is that you're wearing?
Haley: clothes Ma?
Mom: Haley I told you, you will not be dressing those type of outwear
Haley: why what's wrong with it
Mom: you look like a hooker
Haley: *laughs* like you don't dress like that to work
Mom: excuse me young lady? I have my own business to run. I don't know wear sexual clothes to get attention
Haley: oh please you took grandma and grandpa old place and made it as your own, that's not owning your own business mother
Mom: young lady, I had enough of your mouthing off to me. I will not stand with this anymore
Haley: oh please mom, what you going to do, ground me? Like that worked out the last time. Goodbye mother
Mom: Haley! Haley! Get back here this instant!

Robin tried to be firm with Haley, but she didn't know how to raised a rebellion child. Is this really how she acted when she was her age? Is this her own karma for how she treated her parents. She did not want her daughter going down the same road she did at 16. The only person she knew that would put her foot down was her father but he doesn't know she exists.

With Sam and Dean:
Sam and Dean were heading into town and Sam said.

Sam: Dean? Why are we back here again?
Dean: Robin said she needed me to stop by to check out some new recipe
Sam: seriously Dean? We are in a middle of a hunt this can wait
Dean: I know Sam, but I have a feeling it's more than "recipe" she wanted to show me *gives him a knowing raise eye brow*
Sam: okay ewww Dean

Sam and Dean sat at their seat and Robin came over to them when they entered.

Robin: oh good you're here, we need to talk
Dean: is everything okay?
Robin: no not really... it's about us...
Dean: oh... uh... Sammy?
Sam: stop calling me Sammy. Go... ahead

Dean and Robin headed towards the back together.

Dean: so why did you call me to town for really?
Robin: Dean... there's no easy way to say this... but... you have a daughter
Dean: I'm sorry what?
Robin: look I felt betrayed when you left me at the dance because I thought all you wanted was to have "sex" and then you promised you wouldn't walked out after we did it
Dean: yeah I remember and now you know why I didn't really leave you
Robin: yeah... when you were in town you didn't get a chance to meet her because she was away at school. She goes to a boarding school but she was recently kicked out for being bad
Dean: how bad?
Robin: bad like... I can't control her type of bad. I'm not a disciplinarian Dean. I always been soft with her, I rather other people do the disciplining then me so I put her in an boarding school
Dean: how did that turned out?
Robin: she hates my guts for it and is now taking it on me for sending her away
Dean: I don't see how I'm going to help her?
Robin: she's been asking about you. I didn't know how else to explain her to you especially with the way you work
Dean: I know, so where do you think she might have gone?
Robin: the bar
Dean: excuse me?
Robin: I know some people there that has been keeping an eye on her for me. They tried to get her to leave but she wouldn't budge
Dean: what type of mother would allow her daughter to be at the bar?
Robin: you think I want her to be there Dean? I don't but please I'm begging you to help me with her
Dean: I would do anything for you
Robin: thank you

Haley was at a bar and she was talking a couple of shots. Everyone cheered for her and 2 men who walked in looking for her came over to her and she said.

Haley: I am ready for more shots rack em up boys
Men: cheers!
???: excuse me FBI

The men's scattered in their own directions as soon as the two men Sam and Dean shown their id at the same time.

Haley: *looks up at them* oh fuck my life *throws up*
Sam: oh no not my shoes

Sam said as Haley threw up all over Sam's feet and Dean made a chuckle.

Sam, Dean and Haley were now outside the bar and Sam was cleaning up his shoe. Now that Haley was a bit sober up the boys started interrogating her.

Dean: are you sober enough to talk now?
Haley: big whoop I only had 2 shots. I don't get really drunk until after 5 shots
Dean: seriously a bar, how old are you kid?
Haley: 14
Sam: 14?
Dean: we just spoke with your mother at the diner and she said you would be here
Haley: *scoff* that is just like her, she rather have someone come get me then to get me herself
Dean: hey! Your mother is going through a lot right now, so might want to go easy on her
Haley: she's been through a lot? yeah the fuck not
Dean: hey listen to me. I will not tolerate that tone from you
Haley: or you'll what? You're not my father
Dean: yeah well I am your pops
Sam: *confused* what are you talking about?
Haley: yeah what are you talking about. My mother told me my dad was dead
Dean: it's a long story

Dean told Haley and Sam the truth and they both looked surprised and didn't know what to say until.

Haley: she lied, and you knew about me?
Dean: she didn't lie. I have died and came back its complicated life that I don't want you apart of. I didn't know about you until just now. So don't hate your mom for this
Haley: well you can scratch that, our relationship is already fucked
Sam: what do you mean?
Haley: my mom lies. She thinks I'm just a kid who doesn't know anything. Well I know a lot, just like I know you guys are fake feds pretending to be fbi when in reality you two are on FBI most wanted list
Sam: so you done research on us
Haley: yeah... so if anything happens to me. I got 911 on speed dial
Dean: look whatever you saw online it wasn't us
Haley: what you guys have a doppelgänger going around?
Sam: something like that
Haley: who are you guys really?
Dean: I'm pretty sure you're mother doesn't want you to know, but you're in complete danger and you need to come with us
Haley: come with you for what. I'm fine!

Just then someone bust in through the back door and Sam pulled Haley close to him.

Dean: who the hell are you?
Haley: Tommy? Did mom sent you to check on me again?
Tommy: *eyes turns black* not anymore
Dean: Haley get back!
Tommy: the boss would love her especially the way we gutted her mommy
Dean: you son of a bitch!
Haley: wait gutted, as in...
Tommy: she's dead, she wouldn't give up your location so I killed her
Dean: you son of a bitch!
Sam: Haley run!

Haley listened and ran without looking back while the two of them fight the demon. She heard an explosion when she went outside and looked shocked and then a few months later Sam and Dean appeared.

Haley: what the hell is going on?
Dean: Haley... I think it's time we have a talk

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