Chp. 1 | The measly life of Trophy

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       3rd person POV~

  Trophy was bored. Like, more then bored. After being eliminated from II, the only thing he had to do in his freetime was photography. Well, of course, it was fun, seeing the outstanding views of Inanimate Island, but after months of being here? The views never changed, and neither did Trophy's photos.

After a good while of laying in his bed, Trophy finally decided to get up and do his daily jog. If he didn't, well, his jock-ish-ness would be gone. As he entered the restroom, Trophy noticed something. Tissues' toothbrush was gone; along with the rest of his stuff. 'Odd', Trophy thought to himself as he brushed his snow white teeth, 'Tissues never even moved anything. I mean, he can't really get up anyway.' Suddenly, Trophy heard a loud crash in the main lobby of the hotel. Racing out of his  room, Trophy quickly ran into the elevator, presssing the "Ground Level" button at a racing speed.

Although not noticing it, Chessy was right behind him. Like, touching his arm, right behind him. Both their hands brushed against each other, their fingers almost...just almost...intertwining. "Seems like someone's not is a GOUDA mood, huh!" Chessy did his signature one slap after those corny jokes of his. Trophy hated, and oh boy, do I mean HATED, Chessy's jokes.

"Yeah, and you should, like, I dunno...Die." Trophy snapped at Chessy, which didn't even slightly intimidate the unknown type of cheese.

Chessy just smirked, shrugging it off. Finally, after what seemed to be 2.5 trillion years, the elevator dinged, letting out the two objects into the main lobby. Well, one things for sure, it was choactic. Like, more choactic than that of a high school party. Objects were screaming and running around, while the most noticeable thing was the fire in the middle of the room. A growing fire, must I include. They both step out of the elevator, and the usually calm Trophy even started to panic. But he didn't show it, of course!

Chessy ran over to Yinyang, who was having a major panic attack, trying to calm them down. Over all the noise, Trophy couldn't hear anyone speak. Turns out, someone was speaking to Trophy, but he didn't realize that until this unknown object tapped him hurridedly on the shoulder. "Trophy? Can you be a, err, dear, and help me get all these people out of the hotel?"

It was Paper.

Trophy grunted and shook his head, heasitantly helping the shy and nervous sheet of paper. Well, before he was cut off, that is. "Alright right, everyone!" OJ yelled over the dreadful screams, " Get out, now!"

And they all listened. Luckily, Trophy didn't have to do any work. When all the people finally left, Trophy sighed in relief. Well, almost everyone was outside, away from the danger. Almost. And the one person that wasn't here was...Chessy. 'THAT DAMN HAlF-HEARTED COMEDIAN! HE'S GONNA FUCKING DIE!' Trophy argued with himself, just as Yinyang would. Would Trophy save Chessy, or leave him to die?


Anyway, I'm a FAN of pet names! *Knee slap* What should I call you readers? Comment whatever you want!

Also, the updates will usually be daily, but thats not gonna be all the time, as I have school and crap- Either daily or every other day y'all will get some gay trophy and slice of cheese falling for each other

Words: 585

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