other spot.

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A/N: this isn't my usual writing style.

Henry was at school, waiting for Charlotte at her locker as usual, but she was never this late for school.

The bell had rung already, he'd already greeted all his friends and Jasper was done finishing his homework next to Henry on the floor. He was done, and he got up quickly.

"Henry, come on the bell already rung, we have to go to class, who are you even waiting for!" Jasper whined.

Henry looked around for a few seconds, "I'm looking for Charlotte. . ." He mumbled, jasper didn't hear what he said and only rolled his eyes.

Henry felt no point in trying to find Charlotte, now he checked his phone to see if any messages popped up but nothing. He felt sudden sadness wash over him as he sighed in defeat.

"Yeah, come on, let's go." Henry said, starting to walk to his class.

When he got in class he saw Charlotte already in class. She was holding a pen already and re-reading her notes. The teacher wasn't even in yet, she wasn't in her usual spot next to Henry. He stared, "oh there's Charlotte." Jasper waved, and she waved back, she also did to Henry but Henry didn't wave. For some reason he was angry, but before he could even say anything, Mrs Shapen came in and told him to sit down by his usual spot.

He did, he stared at Charlotte but she ignored his gaze and that was noticable.

. . . .

As time went o
He felt like all his classes were taking forever, while break was really fast. He tried to get Charlotte everytime on break but she just ignored him and walked off really fast. He was tired of it, even at work she left early, tried not talking to him.

This went on for a week, he decided to talk about it to jasper. He wasn't much help, "dude, we're guys, we don't understand the mind of a women." And that wasn't ganna help him at all.

. . .

Charlotte took her school bag and got into the elevator, Henry grabbed his school bag and ran to the elevator, stopping it before it closed.

He got in and stood next to Charlotte.

"Henry-" "Charlotte, we need to talk."

Charlotte went quiet, she didn't want to talk to him. she had a frown on her face as she avoided eye contact.

"Char, what's been happening. It's been a week of this-"

before Henry could even finish the question, Charlotte pressed the botton to go up.

When the elevator opened she ran out but got tugged back, she yelped.

"Henry! Stop it!" Henry held her wrists, she wasn't going anywhere without an explanation.

"Charlotte, we need to talk about it! I'm tired of you ignoring me and I don't even get an explanation! It's been a week, why are you ignoring me." He asked, frustrated, she was trying to fight him off, she kicked him in the stomach and kicked him back into the elevator.

Henry groaned, "OW!?!?"

She ran off again and he ran after her. Jasper was helping a customer until he saw them running into the store.

"Charlotte!" Henry called out as she was on the other side of a table filled with junk.

"Come on char!"


Henry ran to the other side of the table and chased her, Jasper just stood there watching them. Charlotte was chased around the store, she finally reached the door and she was about to open it, until she got picked up by Henry.

"AH!" She squealed. "Let go of me Hart!" She squirmed in his grasp.

Henry held her by waist and kept her hands from hitting him. She still squirmed until they fell onto the floor. Both giving loud groans as gasper hissed, eating his popcorn.

Charlotte was in Henry's arms, she was on top of him, laying on his chest. "This is your fault." She groaned out.

"This wouldn't have happened if you just talked to me!" Henry said.

She rolled her eyes and turned around to get off him but immediately, Henry grabbed her waist and she was on his hips. She blushed but it couldn't be seen, "h-henry- let go of me please."

"No, I want to talk about this, i don't care if it's in the position at all. If it's the only way how, the so be it. What's wrong Char, talk to me, please." He pleaded, they stared into each others eyes.

He waited for her answer, and she just stared. He could feel how hesitant she was to te him anything. He relaxed his tensed up body and that relaxed hers, he took a mental note on that. The silence was loud, Jasper had left for the bathroom, rain started to fall hard onto the ground.

She sighed, "I dont really want to talk about it. . . But, I know I've been avoiding you. It's wrong to give you no explanation. I've been a ignoring you cause I've been thinking of what Ray and Schwoz said."

"What? That we act like a couple."

"Yes! And even though I don't see it, I've been trying to avoid you cause I don't want you to deprive you from having someone's touch or like- getting some girls. . .  " She said softly.

Henry sat up, sitting on the floor with Charlotte. She was looking away, ignoring his gaze again.

He took her chin softly, "please Char, don't so that again. I don't mind not getting girls if it costs you. But please just don't leave me. . . Okay?" Henry said, giving a soft smile.

She nodded, "okay. . . "

"Now, never make me chase you again. You are short and fast."


Henry chuckled. "Anyway, are you sure you wanna go home now? It's raining pretty hard."

"I wanted to leave early cause of the rain but because of you, you made me late for it and now I have to walk home in the rain before it becomes harder."

"I'll walk with you char." Henry, messed up her curls.

"Are you sure, we don't even have jackets!"

"Ah, we can live without it. Let's go, jasper! You coming!?"

"HUH-!? Nah, you guys go without me, my mom is picking me up." Jasper shouted back.

Henry turned to Charlotte and smiled, "guess we walking in the rain together."

She smiled back and he opened the door for her, they walked out to pouring rain.

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