Chapter 7

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"Hello! Benvenuto! Come in!"

Will and Naomi smiled at Maria who allowed them inside of the house.
Will looked to see Nico a step or two behind his mother.
"Thank you for inviting us, ma'am." Will smiled at Maria.

"Yes, thank you, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Naomi."Naomi said, smiling at Maria.
Maria blinked in surprise and Nico raised his eyebrows, glancing at Will who seemed a little embarrassed.
"Ah! You speak Italian! Wonderful. It's a pleasure to meet you too Naomi, I'm Maria."Maria smiled at Naomi.

Nico made his way over to Will.
"So... your mom can speak perfect Italian and you can't?" Nico questioned.
Will's cheeks turned red from embarrassment and Nico couldn't help but giggle.

Naomi looked at Nico and Nico instantly stopped his giggling, feeling nervous as he looked at Naomi.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you." Nico said, feeling awkward and his voice more quieter now.
"I've heard a lot about you, Nico." Naomi smiled.
"God, okay, can we like not embarrass me any further?" Will questioned, gently nudging his mother's arm as he smiled awkwardly at Nico.
Nico's cheeks seemed to have turned a little pink.

"Ah, yes. Let's get dinner started, shall we?" Maria smiled at Naomi and Will.
"Bianca is just setting up the dining table, come along."
Maria walked off and Naomi followed behind her. Nico and Will looked at each other.

"So, how long did you talk about me to your mother?" Nico grinned.
"Ugh, shut up. I just kept mentioning you when we were all around Venice yesterday." Will mumbled.
"Awh, I'm glad I'm always on your mind." Nico said, walking off.
"Oh, like I'm not always on your mind?" Will raised his eyebrows as he followed alongside Nico.

"And where's your proof?" Nico questioned.
"Uhm, from how much we've texted each other even though we've known each other for a short amount of time?" Will grinned at Nico.
Nico smiled.
"Dork. C'mon, Bianca has been looking forward to this all day." Nico said.


"How is everything, Naomi?" Maria asked, smiling at Naomi.
Naomi smiled back at Maria.
"Everything is great, you're a good cook, Maria." Naomi nodded.
"Your Italian is really good, Miss Naomi." Bianca said, smiling at Naomi.

Nico looked at Will beside him, who was stabbing at his bowl of carbonara. Nico gently kicked Will in his ankle and Will looked at Nico.
"You okay?" Nico asked quietly.
"Mmh... yeah." Will smiled softly at Nico.
"Just feeling clueless and awkward."
Nico smiled, "I feel that way all the time."

Will then gasped.
"Oh! Mom!" Will exclaimed, looking at his mother who was on the other side of him.
Naomi raised her eyebrows at Will.
"Yes, dear?" Naomi looked at Will, a little puzzled.
"The uhm tickets..." Will whispered to his mother.
"Oh!" Naomi exclaimed.

"Maria, I heard that Bianca is a fan of mine and that you weren't able to buy tickets for any of my concerts." Naomi said, looking at Maria and glancing at Bianca.
Bianca's eyes sparkled and Maria raised her eyebrows at Naomi.
"Ah... Yes?" Maria glanced at Nico.
Nico looked at Will, confused and Will was smiling at Nico.
"I pulled a few strings and I managed to get four free tickets. Three for you guys and one for my son. Will would be thrilled to go with Nico and I couldn't leave you and Bianca out. I hope you accept these tickets."

Maria seemed to blink for a few moments and she glanced at Nico.
"Niccolo, did you ask Will to get us free tickets, because if you did I swear that-" Maria began to scold.
"Mamma! I had no idea about this! I never asked Will for anything! I promise!" Nico argued back.
Naomi bit her lower lip and Will glanced between Nico and Maria.

"Sorry, Will, did my brother ask you for tickets?" Bianca asked, looking at Will.
"What? No." Will shook his head.
"No, no, my mom decided to do this because... well, Nico has been nice company when I've been feeling lonely. And because she knew you liked her music."
"Mamma, leave Nico alone. It seems Naomi just wanted to do something nice for us and her son." Bianca said, gently patting Maria's shoulder.

"Naomi, thank you so much for the tickets. Are you sure it's alright? We can give you some sort of payment-"
Bianca faced Naomi again and Naomi shook her head.
"No, no... Think of this dinner as payment. I'll give you the tickets by the end." Naomi smiled at Bianca.
"Naomi, thank you so much. This is very kind of you." Maria said, looking at Naomi.

Will looked at Nico.
"Uhm... so-?" Will began.
"I guess we're accepting these tickets." Nico smiled at Will.
"Uhm... thanks, really. I can't wait to go with you."
Will smiled back at Nico.
"Yeah, well I look forward to going with you too. It'll be fun." Will nodded.

"You two boys should eat up. We still have dessert to get through."
"Oh gosh, please relax Sunshine."
"Pfft, Sunshine?"
"Don't tease your friend, Nico."


Nico and Will were outside of the house, just waiting for their mothers to finish talking, and for Naomi to give the tickets to Maria.

Nico leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.
"Well, I think this dinner was fun, Sunshine." Nico smiled.
Will's cheeks turned red.
"Can you not call me that?" Will mumbled.
Nico grinned.

"Awh, but you get so flustered. It's cute." Nico said, tilting his head at Will.
Will rolled his eyes and he smiled at Nico.
"If you're going to call me 'sunshine', I should give you a nickname, no?" Will questioned.
"Depends, what are you going to call me?" Nico raised his eyebrows.

Will thought about it.
"Is there something in Italian I could call you?" Will asked.
Nico sort of hesitated.
"Well... you could call me 'tesoro' if you want." Nico said.
Will hummed.
"Tesoro? What does that mean?" Will smiled.
Nico's cheeks turned red.
"Tesoro, uhm... it means... well-" Nico began.

"Nico, dear, your mother wants you back inside."
Nico and Will looked over at Naomi who exited the house.
"Thank you... Uhm, I hope you enjoyed dinner here." Nico smiled at Naomi.
"It was nice meeting you."
"It was nice meeting you too, Nico." Naomi smiled back.

Nico looked at Will as he made his way to the front door.
"Bye Sunshine." Nico grinned.
Will raised an eyebrow.
"Bye Tesoro." Will smiled at Nico.
Naomi raised her eyebrows and she looked at Nico, Nico averted his gaze, clearing his throat as he entered his home quickly.

"... Dear, do you know what 'tesoro' means?" Naomi asked as she and Will began to walk off.
"Uh, Nico was about to tell me before you told him to go back in." Will said.
"Why? What does it mean?"
Will looked at his mother. Naomi couldn't help but giggle.
"Haha, it means 'treasure'." Naomi smiled at Will as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder.
"Oh!" Will exclaimed.
Will's cheeks turned red.

"Soo, what is going on between you and Nico?"
"W-what? Nothing! We're just... messing about! There's nothing to it!!"
"Mmh... sweetheart, you're a horrible liar."


Word count: 1209

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