I Can't Let Go - 4

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The espada don't like M/N. They underestimate him. 9 times oout of ten, they try to pick fights with him, especially Grimmjow. Ulquiorra is the only one who doesn't really care. M/N does regret his decision. Or well, he was forced into all of this. But honestly, he's Aizen's favourite, solely for his power. That's why most of the espada dislike him. He's just, up above them all so high, he'll be there shining day and night. They wonder how his spotlight is so bright; they hate it.

"M/N, come here!!!" He hears Grimmjow yell from a distance. M/N isn't looking for a fight today, so he simply ignores the blue-haired man and minds his business. M/N actually made a plushie of Toshiro in his free time (while no one was looking, of course), and he keeps it in his pocket.

As M/N closes his eyes, his consciousness fades into the bright, euphoric childhood he had with Toshiro.

It was a day in the forest again. I'm just enjoying myself. My childhood was basically nonexistent, but I only enjoyed it because of him. Because of Toshiro. That midget made my childhood. He was so stubborn, but I can't let go. Why can't I let go? I hate him. He's... An enemy. I'll rip up that stupid toy I made.

What's this? Oh, a cat. I feel a sense of nostalgia when I see them. It went further into the forest. Why? I started following it. I ran and ran for kilometres, until I was greeted with a beautiful waterfall. The cat... It led me here. I was such a good boy. I saw my reflection, in the crystal clear water, those innocent-looking eyes. They don't look like that anymore. Are those fishes? I reached out for them, only for it all to fade away, and I'm back in this hell.

M/N's eyes are greeted with Grimmjow standing over him with an almost bored look - like he was planning something. "Are you really this stupid?" he asks.
"This is a dangerous place. What do you think will happen if you just let your guard down?"
M/N seems to not care. He gets up and gives Grimmjow a kick in the leg before walking off. "HEY! You idiot! Get back here!!!"
M/N feels a cero hit his back immediately after, making him fall to the floor and cough out some blood. "What is this? Pain? Again?"

The world is starting to fade to black again, it's fading into a flashback... Again.

This time it's when I was a young boy. When I was alive, in The World of The Living. This time I saw a girl holding my hand. She was carrying me to a lake... it seemed so familiar. It wasn't... It couldn't be!
That was the girl who led me to my death. She took my hand and sat by the lake, only to... Push me in. The world faded to black afterwards, and before I knew it, I was dead. I was now a soul roaming the streets. Years and years passed, and the chain grew shorter. I saw a mother in the hospital, who just gave birth to a beautiful young boy.

Another 4 years was gone before I knew it. My soul was suffering so much, yet there was nothing done. Not a shinigami sent me to the Soul Society - where my suffering would be halted. I saw the same boy from the hospital where he was born. He seemed so happy with his mother. I wished I could still be alive, and with my mother, happy just like he is.


Oh, I'm roaming the streets again. It's another day of suffering. I was constantly mocked by other souls. Hollows tried to consume me on the daily, until one day... A shinigami set me free. My soul... It was free.

And here he is again... It's been a few hours. M/N is still lying there. No one cared enough to come help him. M/N gets up and pants softly, until finally regaining his breath and going back to minding his business and not really having a care in the world...


Except for Toshiro.

He still cares about Toshiro.

With Hitsugaya.

Toshiro seems to be... Angry (well, of course he's sad but more angry). He probably wants to kill M/N. He's upset. More upset than he's ever been, but mostly, he's angry. Toshiro really doesn't know the truth about M/N.

He's obviously being mature and doing his work as a Captain. Toshiro wishes he cherished his moments with M/N more. He starts to regret some of his decisions. Toshiro thinks he should've not let himself be held back. He should've gone to retrieve his dear M/N, but he did.

He couldn't.

"He's a weak, useless failure. Imagine not being able to save your own friend, pathetic! He's a pathetic excuse for a Captain. An idiot, a fool, an imbecile, you name it! How useless he is." His thoughts always said to him.

"Ah, my head hurts... I feel like I'm going to..." thought Toshiro, feeling like he's going to faint, "My head... I feel a ringing in my ears... It hurts."

That idiot! He'll faint if he keeps overthinking. Ah-ah, it's okay Hitsugaya, The Narrator is here for you.

Toshiro kept his consciousness however. He's not weak. What makes him think that? He's very strong.
M/N however, is silently crying in the vastness of Hueco Mundo. Grimmjow seems to somewhat care, but only for a fight. He doesn't really care about M/N's feelings. After all, it's how they are. It's how the Espada are.

M/N is just tired... And depressed. He hides it very well, and usually no one can tell. Over time, Grimmjow and him grew closer. Everyone never expected it, but now they're like brothers. Grimmjow and him still fight a lot, but at least they have become friends.

A/N: Apologies for taking so long. I got lazy. Also, I forgot about this story. I will try to make chapters longer. My chapters now (short ones) are at 1k words. Can anyone give me tips on how to make them (chapters) longer?

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