The Execution - 3

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Before the execution - Aizen faked his death with the help of Gin Ichimaru. Everyone believed he was dead. He even betrayed Hinamori, who still convinced Toshiro to not kill him.

It was the day of the execution.

𝑅𝑢𝑘𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑒𝑥𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛.

But at the moment she was supposed to be executed...

There was a plot twist.

That substitute shinigami boy. The orange-haired one. It's him. It's 𝙸𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚘 𝙺𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚒. As the burst of flame from the resulting collision clears, Rukia realizes she is not dead and opens her eyes in astonishment to find a Tentōken-clad Ichigo standing before her in midair while holding back Kikōō with his Shikai, Zangetsu, and casually greeting her. (Yes I got that from Google because I didn't know how to explain it.)

Ichigo was holding Rukia in his arm while staring down at everyone. Well, chaos began. Our dear strawberry threw Rukia to Renji. She screamed.

So then Ichigo was fighting Byakuya, and oh boy, Byakuya got one hell of a beating.
All of a sudden, Aizen appeared out of nowhere and had Rukia in his hand, squeezing her neck. Ichigo swung his bankai forward, but Aizen stopped it, along with his theme song. Everyone was shocked. Aizen was dead, wasn't he? What's he doing here? Ichigo's eyes widened as blood poured from the wounds Aizen inflicted on him in a split second.
In a matter of seconds, Aizen's hand was in Rukia's chest (where the Hogyoku is). Rukia's eyes widened, and the life poured out of them. Aizen then had the Hogyoku in his hand.

Soon after, Aizen left for Hueco Mundo with Kaname Tosen, Gin Ichimaru and... M/N? Rangiku was horrified at mostly Gin betraying them, but Toshiro... He was livid and a bit sad. M/N was there since his childhood; they grew up together! Now look at him, he left for Hueco Mundo with Aizen. Was his kindness all an act? M/N has always been stoic and serious, but... he was kind! Toshiro never expected or even thought of something like this ever happening.
If not for Rangiku holding him back, Toshiro might've already attacked and retrieved his dear M/N. Meanwhile Byakuya was holding his sister Rukia in his arms.

*(Time skip.)

Toshiro is feeling terrible, albeit staying serious and mature on the outside. Rukia is slowly recovering and Ichigo is going to leave the Soul Society soon. Urahara apologized to Rukia for using her as a vessel for the Hogyoku and not telling her about the Hogyoku inside her. Rangiku and Hinamori noticed how Toshiro looks more sad, and some anger lingers in his eyes.

"Damn you M/N! Why couldn't I just... stop you from leaving.. us?" thought Toshiro. He's in his office and signing paperwork, etc. Well, this is a huge surprise, but a tear falls down his cheek. Was M/N that dear to him? Toshiro has never cried. He also wants to kill Aizen. He couldn't stop him from hurting Momo and now he took M/N away from him. Toshiro blamed it all on himself. The pen drops from his hand and a few more tears fall from Toshiro's turquoise eyes. Toshiro's white hair is blocking his eyes so it's not too visible.

Abruptly, Rangiku bursts into the office and Toshiro swiftly wipes his tears before she sees them. "Captain!" she says in an enthusiastic tone, but then says something that made Toshiro's heart drop.
"How do you feel about M/N betraying us? Do you regret not stopping him?" This was different from her free-spirted personality. "Just... Just leave," orders Toshiro, tears beginning to well up in his eyes once again. His vision begins to blur. Hitsugaya locks the office door the minute Rangiku leaves. He started crying again. Toshiro feels he is worthless, weak and pathetic. Toshiro's eyes are covered by his hair and a shadow casts over his eyes.

Thud. His head falls onto the desk. Hitsugaya cries his heart out until he falls asleep.
A dream. A nightmare, more like.
Hitsugaya is dreaming about M/N betraying them. The pain in M/N's beautiful eyes. Hitsugaya starts crying in his sleep too.
(This is OOC for him, but it adds to the story.)

"Why..." Hitsugaya's voice trails off. He's devastated. M/N left. Toshiro is stressed. Byakuya and Rukia are both recovering, meanwhile Toshiro is destroying his mental health. "Why couldn't I make you stay?" wonders Toshiro. Hours and hours go by. No work has been done. Toshiro is bothered by the whole thing. He's just sitting there and crying ever-so often. "I'll be the one to rescue you," thinks Toshiro.

Hueco Mundo-
M/N doesn't feel bad one bit. He's heartless. He cold; ice itself, a mystery. Or so it seems! M/N is secretly a softie. He's hurt easily but acts tough. Las Noches reminds M/N of France or something Hispanic because of the name. Something... I can't forget... T? Toshiro? Oh yes, Toshiro. M/N cannot forget the short Captain. He somewhat misses him. M/N is really only here because of his power. Swiftly, the male teleports away, holding his zanpakuto in his right hand. With a gentle movement, he takes it and pierces it through his palm.
M/N removes the blade from his palm.

Satisfaction. This is for his own satisfaction of seeing blood gushing out of something. Cruelly, he smirks for a moment before the poker face returns. The other Espada, especially Grimmjow, all stare at the man returning with blood gushing out of his palm. "It's your first day and you're already getting hurt? Pathetic!" remarks Grimmjow with a loud, mocking laugh.
Clearly, he's underestimating M/N. Within a second, M/N pins him and wipes the blood right down his cheek. Grimmjow grabs M/N's hand, squeezing it tightly to make it bleed more. "You little shit!" he yells. M/N unpins Grimmjow and goes back to being the aloof person he is, not mingling around with anyone here. Not like he wants to either way.

Delicately, M/N wipes the blood off of his hand. It stings. It hurts. Oh, the pleasure, but he's not a masochist. It's just... His mind is... 'Malfunctioning'. "It hurts, but I love it."

How gloomy he is. What a loner. Pathetic. M/N is strong, but he's not good at love. It's a weakness. What loner doesn't know how to love? Grimmjow, you must remind him of a cat - the thing he loves. He must have an obsession with you know, huh? Later on, M/N is observing the light blue-haired man and his lust for blood. He's blood hungry. The Espada, they're all blood thirsty. It's all that matters to them.

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