I'm Not A Full Punk, Death-Metal Emo Kid

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Scarlett sat quietly, listening to Father Roger speak. She was regretting beginning her private sessions with him today. She could think of places she'd much rather be. But, she was stuck here, and actually had to pay attention as he was staring her in the face.

    "I have been informed of your reason for being here. And while I'm sickened at the thought of sin, and the Lord knows what you have done. But, He is eager to forgive our sins. Only if you lie down your life to Christ and put your full faith in Jesus. I'm God's vessel, and I'm here to help you do that."

    Lay down my life to Christ? What?

    "Yes, Father. I am so grateful to have this holy community around me to help on this journey. I'm ready to give myself to God, as I crave his forgiveness. I want His help to be steered on the right path, away from sin."

    Ooh, I think I'm getting the hang of this.

    "I am very happy to hear that. Now, let's start our confession and wipe you clean from sin."

It had been a couple of days since Phoebe took Scarlett to her secret hide-out. Which means it had been a couple of days of Scarlett trying to quash the new butterflies in her stomach whenever she thought of her roommate.

On her walk back from her private session with Father Roger, a slight breeze swept through Scarlett's hair. Leave's littered the cobblestone path, and every once in a while, Scarlett stepped on one that made a nice crunch under her foot.

Why'd I have to become friends with the most affectionate people on campus? Like, seriously, I need to stop thinking so hard into all of our interactions, Phoebe is like that with everybody. You're not special, you dumbass.


She startled, whipping around, only to find Julien jogging up behind her.

"Oh, hi," Scarlett replied sweetly. She wasn't expecting any of 'the boys' (as Phoebe calls them) to be out here. She thought they'd be in one of their dorm rooms fucking around.

"Did you just have a session with Father Roger?" Julien questioned as she caught up to the other girl. "Is that why you're still wandering around campus?"

"Yeah, actually. It was, um, not fun, to say the least." His words echoed through her head, homosexuality is a sin, and will never be accepted. You need to get the devil out of your head!

"The first few are always rough. He'll chill out soon, once he believes he's cracked you. Which shouldn't take long, you've already got the innocent angel act down pat." She gave her a lop-sided smile, gently bumping her shoulder into Scarlett's.

"Wow, thanks," Scarlett deadpanned. "You really think I'm that innocent?"

"Well, I really only get to see you in class. And, man, I'd almost believe that you're one of those doe-eyed school girls."

"Exactly J, it's an act." Scarlett rolled her eyes and snickered.

"Whatever you say, angel." Julien looked into Scarlett's eyes. "Do you want to head back to my dorm? Lucy is with Phoebe in the band room, they're practicing a song that's way too sappy for me to listen to right now."

"You know what? Sure. It beats sitting around by myself waiting for Phoebe to get back."

Julien smiled widely, looking like she'd won the lottery.

"Okay, why is this exactly what I had expected your guys' room to look like?"

On one side, the bed was covered in black and grey sheets and band posters cluttered the walls, making sure there wasn't an inch of paint peeking through. Leaning up against the bed was a beautiful electric guitar, surrounded by a bunch of other equipment Scarlett had no idea what they were.

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