14. Biswasingha

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The sound of commotion from outside made me wake up. Someone was outside, trying to enter my bed chamber but my guards were reluctant to oblige. I looked at the time, it was still early for my liking.

"Let him in!" I called for my visitor. There was only one person in the Dynasty who could try to enter my bed chamber while I was still sleeping.

And that was Niladhwaj.

I sat up on the bed and tried to wake up fully when Nila strolled in with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Stop terrorizing my guards. They are doing their duties," I told him while he slumped down on one of the armchairs.

"I have to meet you." he shrugged, going through my stuff.

I ignored him and reached out for my shawl, only to realise I gave it to Shubhashini ji. So I fetched another.

"So, who was she?" Nila asked chewing on some of the refreshments presented on the table.

"No one," I told him.

"That's not what my sources said."

"Then your sources need improvement," I told him. As I went to my adjoining study room. Nila of course followed.

"I told you to stay low for seven days. And not even one single day started that you are galloping around on your horse with a woman."

"She needed help and I was there. End of story." I said and as early festivities announced in Silabhadra, Nila's face lightened up.

"Who is she, Bhai?"

"No one," I growled at him. "I already told you I don't know who she is."

"Then why are you being frustrated with my questioning? I have never seen you so frustrated." He said. It was only because I loved my little brother, that he was still breathing.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"To hand over all the details of an early battle." He pulled out a scroll and handed me.

"I thought I needed to be crowned before the battle."

"Change of plan. We needed to prepare a battle before your coronation." He looked grim as he told me.

It was more than that. And we both knew the real reason. It was our Baba. He was being stubborn enough to ignore the harm a simple alliance with Surya Nagar could cause to our Dynasty.

"Take over Surya Nagar. That's an order." I looked at his eyes and told him.

Niladhwaj stared at me for a moment then bowed. "As you wish, Bhai."

"I'll Guard the Fort while you go there. Tell Amarendra to lead the force as your backup. We need to attack sooner than Rakha Garh people do." I said. I had done waiting and I was tired of their tactics in the field.

"Bhai. What about our father?" He asked. "If he finds out then he will try to stick on you."

"Nila, as bitter as it sounds, but the truth is our father never ruled the kingdom. It was our grandfather and after that, it was our mother until we took over." I pointed out.

"Baba was . . . discussing with me how it will help me to get the throne."

I knew he was being polite to use the word discussion here, our Baba never discussed.

I stared at him once I realised why he told me that. "Your father loves you."

"Don't you think Raj-rule comes before your emotions?" He asked me.

Growing up, Niladhwaj always tried to lead instead of being led by others. I was the person who taught him that. I was the one who taught him how to fight, how to rule and how duties come before feelings. Yet, as I looked at my little brother there was a squeeze in the middle of my heart.

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