10. Biswasingha

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I kept my eyes around the forest as we walked through the uneven path

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I kept my eyes around the forest as we walked through the uneven path. The woman was following me just a few steps behind. How she ended up in that area of the forest was beyond me.

I had to go to Narayan garh tonight. Niladhwaj's plan was still going through my mind as I walked. He asked about taking a break from the stress that my life had become and staying low for a week.

I couldn't really ran from my stress, I had to find out how exactly my biological father died or was he even dead and all?

As for our King, my Baba, I had done everything in my power to prove myself, to be included as his family yet, I wasn't sure what else he wanted from me. No, that wasn't true. I knew his plans for me.

I needed to step back from all the power that I worked hard to create and handed it over to Niladhwaj.

I would have done that happily if Baba wasn't forcing me to do this.

I stepped over a log and then helped Shubhashini automatically. I was hoping for a reaction to my touch. But either that woman didn't care or she was used to it.

"Where are you staying at?" I asked. Just divert my mind from the track of thought it was going at.

"This way," she pointed at the end of the road where the market was.

"I've never seen you here before." I told her.

"Just a passerby," she mumbled, eyes not meeting mine. She was lying.

"And already attacked by group of morons?" I asked.

"I'm not used to this time. . .- place!" she let out. Her fear leaving a little bit as we get closer to the market. I didn't press after that. She walked few minutes in silence.

"What did you say your name?" she asked again.

I chuckled. She was a traveller for sure. I just told her my whole name and she didn't know. It was a rare occasion for me to introduce myself twice in an hour. Most of the time, they feared to talk back at all.

"Biswasingha." I told her. To my surprise, she sighed and shook her head.

"What is it?" I asked curiously. I glanced at her from the side of my eyes, as she thinking about how to answer. There was a frown on her face as she mulled over.

"Nothing," but she was smiling. Did she just forget what happened a few minutes ago? I did not realise that I was smiling too as I asked again.
"Tell me what is it?"

"You have such a long name. Are you a King or something?" she told me.

I chuckled. If only I could tell her I am the King here.

We reached the neighbourhood where she was staying at that time. It was a small tent in the corner of the market. She opened the veil of the tent and walked inside. I looked around. Was she staying here? That's not safe at all.

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