Chapter Nineteen

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The next day, they came up with a plan.

It was not their best plan by any means, since it consisted of a lot of variables which may or may not work, but it was better than doing nothing... probably.

Last night, after they left the hospital, two things were discovered: another chimera- aka the girl who had run out on Darcy when she was trying to help after Tracy attacked her- and a dead chimera named Josh. The newest chimera's name was Hayden and Liam had saved her from meeting a fate with the Dread Doctors after they made her car stop working. Theo and Stiles were the ones to find the dead chimera at the hospital, and the details of his death were weirdly fuzzy.

Somehow, Darcy had missed a lot last night after leaving the hospital with Alexa, which was ridiculous because she thought she had already witnessed so much. Like her memory, which practically haunted her.

She'd laid in bed last night, turning the images over and over in her head, listening to her aunt's panicked voice and dissecting the context behind it. She'd thought about asking the woman in question, but she didn't for reasons unbeknownst to herself. 

"Where have you been? What happened to you?" Memory Alexa had asked.

Had Darcy been missing? She had run away last summer, but from her father, not from the Dread Doctors. What did it mean? And why couldn't she remember the rest of it?

Darcy continued to ponder these questions, set up at a table in the library on the first floor this time. Scott and Stiles stood surrounding the table, bags thrown haphazardly on the surface.

Scott suddenly spread out a map of Beacon Hills across the table, startling Darcy out of her thoughts. Pushing the memory to the back of her mind, she leaned forward to get a better view as Stiles asked, "We're back to telluric currents?"

"If the Dread Doctors didn't like coming into Eichen House because of them, maybe we can use them to protect Hayden," Scott answered.

"What about Kira? Will she be with us, because last time..." Darcy threw Scott a pointed look. After what happened at Eichen, she didn't think it was a good idea for the kitsune to be around these currents again.

"Yeah, she'll come to the school with us. We'll need all the help we can get."

His answer wasn't comforting, but Darcy decided to have faith in the alpha and hoped he wasn't wrong. Stiles glanced between the two of them before saying, "Okay, so besides Eichen, where's the strongest convergence?"

Scott tapped a heavy finger on a spot of crossing ley lines. "We're standing on it."

"Why am I not surprised," Darcy muttered.

"You want to hide her in the high school? For how long?" Stiles asked.

"If we have to, all night. Liam convinced Hayden not to say anything to her sister yet. She's working a double tonight, and she thinks Hayden's staying with friends."

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