Chapter Eight

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After dispersing from the others last night, Darcy had been stuck with two things on her mind: Tracy Stewart and Theo Raeken

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After dispersing from the others last night, Darcy had been stuck with two things on her mind: Tracy Stewart and Theo Raeken.

She hadn't seen the latter there last night, only smelled a whiff of what she thought to be his scent. She might have imagined it, or she'd picked up someone else with the same smell, but something though, something itched in the back of her mind that made her hold onto the idea. She'd thought about telling Stiles but didn't want to send him into a further spiral of conspiracy theories, so she kept it to herself.

The other thing keeping her up last night was more concrete, but still practically a breath in the wind. Donovan Donati, presumed to be the murderer of his lawyer and maimer of two deputies, had been found by Scott last night after he had run away from the crime scene. Over the phone, Scott had told them Donovan was unable to say anything except for one word: Tracy.

Tracy Stewart was a senior at Beacon Hills and Darcy only knew her because they had been partnered up for a chemistry presentation last year. Darcy had done all the talking while Tracy pointed at the pictures she was referring to. She was shy, nice, and above all: not supernatural. The idea she was actually the one behind the attempted murders and actual murder was a little hard to comprehend, but Darcy had to keep in mind she didn't have the whole picture. Take, for instance, the fact that she hadn't known Tracy had been having trouble sleeping, struck by night terrors rendering her paranoid.

The pack was circled around the hood of a bus, having an impromptu pack meeting behind the school. Last night's events definitely called for it. A text from Scott to the group chat had them all herding there to discuss.

Darcy would never tell anyone, but the idea of a supernatural pack having a group chat made her laugh sometimes. Something so human and simple for people who were very much not... well, besides Stiles and now Mason.

"Okay, look, I know we're all tired and miserable..." Scott trailed off, his gaze going to a very excited Mason beside him. "Except for you."

Mason's admiration of the people before him hadn't gone unnoticed. As he turned to Scott with a jump, his face fell. "Oh, I'm sorry, this is all just mind-blowing." He gestured at Kira, saying, "You're a kitsune. I don't even know what that is."

"I'm still learning," Kira admitted, almost bashful underneath his energetic gaze.

Stiles interjected, "Liam, we said you could tell him, not invite him to the inner circle."

"Um, I'm in the inner circle?"

Stiles and Liam both chorused, "No," with hard looks directed at Mason.

"Wait, we have an inner circle?" Darcy asked, backtracking. "I thought it was just 'the pack'." She put quotation marks around the last two words.

Malia leaned forward slightly to look at Darcy from across Liam. "Me too," she said with down-turned eyebrows.

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