When Keith was done training for the night did he walk through the castle halls only the sound of his shoes hitting the ground in a pattern was the only sound.

He yawned and stretched his aching limbs, he trained too much the last two hours and he was already at lvl 62 it was better to be prepared then unprepared. He with a tired look on his face did he continue his path to his room passing Lance's but paused in his steps from a faint sound coming from the other side, confused he walked closer and the doors opened so that he could See the inside only the occupant in the bed is what caught his attention.

Lance was whimpering and twisting and turning, ears flat against his head with tears and quiet pleas. It was something Keith knew well enough. Nightmares.

Keith raced forward and pulled the flailing boy to his chest as Lance's hands clutched at his black t-shirt in balls of white knuckles "Lance wake up!" Keith called shaking Lance a little to wake him up from his nightmare, "Lance!" Lance's eyes shot up open in bloodshot, tears streaked down his cheeks and he panted heavily with beads of sweat. "Calm down, breath" Lance was shaking in his arms as he tried to calm himself with a gulp "s-sorry" he apologized to Keith who shook his head "you have nothing to be sorry for, don't apologize" Keith said Lance was silent with his ear up to Keith's chest listening to his heartbeat, it helped calm Lance down from his nightmare from five minutes ago.

"You calmed down now?" He asked Lance with his violet eyes looking at Lance's blue, Lance nodded to Keith but kept his fluffy white ear to Keith's chest enjoying the calming heart beat. "Why didn't you tell me you had nightmares?" Keith asked "i-i didn't want to bother you with them..." Keith sighed, he was tired and he wasn't letting Lance sleep alone again so he fell backwards with his arms around Lance pulling the boy down with him until his back touched with the bed. Lance was a bit confused and Keith answered his question with his tired eyes "go back to sleep, I'll be here" Lance didn't know if he should but it looked like Keith wasn't going anywhere because he looked very tired if his droopy eyelids had anything to say.

Shifting Lance let his eyes close he felt Keith's arms move around until more Warmth was added around them, Keith took a deep sigh and his chest heaved up and down with each intake of air he took into his lungs, his heart beat thumping in gentle paces the beating sound going into Lance's ears lulling him into the chamber of slumber in Keith's arms.

It confused him alot. How is it he's gotten so much better rest and the nightmares come to a stop when he sleeps with Keith? He didn't have an answer and he wasn't complaining either. Keith was warm and his heartbeat was something he liked listening too, it was gentle yet it managed to still calm him down from restless sleep of bad memories produced into nightmares. Soft snores soon filled the room in the quiet and the two paladins fast asleep in eachother's embraces.



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