Episode 8: Yuuko's Case, The Hunt for Mephisto

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(A/N: Decide to rewrite the 4th chapter cause I want to save them for upcoming chapters. Also, I don't have any recaps this time)

We're in Shibuya. Ryuji and Chitose were there to report what just happened with Shiga's account after the monster appeared in Under Kowloon. The girl they were reporting everything to was Fei, Zaxon's second-in-command.

 The girl they were reporting everything to was Fei, Zaxon's second-in-command

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Fei: ...I see. We'll look into the monsters that attacked Shiga on our end.

Ryuji: Do you have any idea what it could be? They didn't look like Digimon to me...

Fei: We've never seen such a thing. We've heard the same kind of story from other hackers. We're gathering info as we speak.

Chitose: Hay, is it okay to leave Shiga on his own? Maybe he just faked an error on his account to run off.

Fei: It's pointless to go after a small fry like that any further.

Ryuji: What do you mean by that?

Fei: There was someone behind the scenes using Shiga and other independent hackers to gather accounts. If we don't beat that guy down, we can't stop the wave of account raids.

Ryuji: ...So the next case is tracking down the string-puller, huh?

Fei: Looks like you get it. I leave it to you. I don't care how you do it, but rest assured... you better not go easy on them. Anyone who crosses Zaxon's gonna pay... and pay big time!

Chitose: OOH! She's a scary one.


???: Well, what do you know, the gang is all here.

The three of them looked over to see a black-haired boy with a blue outfit approaching them. The three of them knew him too well. It was Arata Sanada Arata, and Ryuji was not pleased with his presence.

Chitose: You...

Ryuji: 😠

Fei: Well look who it is! Arata of that called hacker team, Jude!

Arata: You're Fei, Zaxon's second-in-command, if I remember correctly. I've heard plenty of rumors... *To Ryuji and Chitose* It's been a while, hasn't it?

Ryuji: You've got some nerve showing your face in front of us, Sanada.

Chitose: *😠* Hay Ryuji, knock it off!

Ryuji: Here to apologize after all this time?

Arata: That again? Let it go, already. The past is the past.

Ryuji:  What'd you say?!

Chitose: Seriously, give it a rest! Fei's here too. Think about where you are!

Fei: Don't mind me, go for it. Now that I think about it, you two used to be in Jude, right?

Ryuji/Chitose: ...

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