Episode 5: Todd's test

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(A/N: For all of you Digimon fans out there, I will let my OCs and the other Digimon characters do my recaps from now on)

-Previously on Digimon: World's Collide-

Todd: After learning more about Mother from Sayo and Koh, Arcadiamon and I headed back home for the day. Upon arriving at school, Cid, who we dislike, challenged me to a battle. To my surprise, he had a Digimon that I didn't expect him to have. However, Arcadiamon defeated his Deathmon in mere seconds, resulting in Cid having to do community service as punishment. After school, Lilly and I headed to Nakano Broadway to meet with Officer Yoshi, who guided us to the Detective Agency and DATS HQ. Just as I was getting comfortable, I heard a voice calling out to me, and my necklace teleported Arcadiamon and me to an unknown lab. In the center of the lab stood a woman with glasses. Let's pick up where we left off!

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Strange Woman: Welcome to the Digilab, Todd Iasmu. This place has a faint connection with the Digital World. A paradise for Digimon.

Todd: A paradise for Digimon...What, how do you know my name?

Strange Woman: I am Mirei Mikagura. I open this paradise unto you like the others.

Todd: Mikagura...Are you by any chance?

Mirei: Correct, I'm Sayo's mother.

Todd: Did she tell you all about me?

Mirei: The son of the DigiDestined and one who was able to tame an Arcadiamon?

Arcadiamon: That's us

Todd: I kinda know a little about the Digital World, but what's a Digi...Lab?

Mirei: The Digital Monster Laboratory...You could call it the "DML" for short, I suppose. I recommend calling it the "DigiLab", Though.

Todd: Mmm...Sounds unique! Say, was that you who called us here?

Mirei: No, that's not quite it.

Arcadiamon: What do you mean?

Mirei: It was you who called to me.

Todd: I... called to you?

Mirei: You are beginning to develop a deep connection with your Digimon. Our strings of fate intertwined and drew me in, and so I found you.

Todd: Really?

Mirei: In other words, it was you who called out to me.

Todd: Things get more bizarre as the days go on.

Mirei: Seems so, but that's enough of that for now.

Mirei lets Todd and Arcadiamon look around the place as they want to know more. After observing the DigiLab for a bit, Todd and Arcadiamon head back to the exit spot.

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