Episode 4: The Kuremi Destructive Agency, along with DATS HQ

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-Last time on Digimon: World's Collide-

Keisuke Amasawa was a victim of a hack raid, so he and his siblings went down to the middle of EDEN to meet with their new Digimon partners. After the battle with DexDorugamon, Ryuji recruited the Amasawa siblings to be Hudie members. Back with Todd, he and Arcadiamon met Koh Akito and Sayo Mikagura. After introducing himself, two found out that Todd is the DigiDestined's child, A.K.A. Todd's mother.

Koh: You're the son of the DigiDestined. Toka's kid!

(Todd's Room)

Todd is in bed thinking about everything he and Arcadiamon experienced back in EDEN, he is wearing his Yukata

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Todd is in bed thinking about everything he and Arcadiamon experienced back in EDEN, he is wearing his Yukata. His thoughts were then interrupted when Lilly knock on his door.

Lilly: Young Master.

Todd: Hm?

Lilly: Do you need anything before going to sleep?

Todd: No, but thanks for asking though.

Lilly: Alright. Don't stay too late when it's 9:00 P.M.

Todd: I won't.

Lilly heads back to her room. Todd continues his thoughts about what Koh and Sayo inform him about his mother.


Todd was puzzled and astounded by when Koh mentioned his mother's name.

Todd: Uh...eh...?

Koh: I know it sounds confusing.

Todd: Well yeah! I have 3 questions. 1: How do you know my mom? 2: What is a DigiDestined? and 3: Do you know where she's at?

Koh: *Sweatdrop* Haha, well to answer all 3 of your questions. We met your mother 12 years ago.

Todd: 12 years ago?

Koh: *Nods* Mhm.

Sayo: Your mother, Toka helped us defeat many evil Digimon back in the past. But now those things that you met are causing trouble in the Digital World.

Todd: So you came here to look for her.

Koh: Yes. But then we heard that Toka was not here in the human world either.

Todd: Sorry, I wish I can find out where my mom is, but I don't. The last thing I remember about my mom was that she want somewhere to save the world or something. So I guess she must be talking about this Digital World thing.

Sayo: Is that so?

Todd: I'm telling the truth!

Sayo: Sorry it's just that...It's still hard for me to believe that you're partners with...that "thing".

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