Chapter 10

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They hadn't moved in together yet, but Phil spent most nights at Josh's place, and the house had never felt so empty. The holidays were in a week's time, with Dan laid in bed with the silence of the house reflecting his thoughts. His jealousy grew with every hour spent with Phil not home, and he hated it. He wished Phil would just have a sudden revelation and come running back to him, like some dramatic romantic film. He could just picture it now. It would be raining, and they would be running towards each other with open arms. Their chests would crash and their arms would wrap around each other, with their hair dripping with rain water. Their embrace being the only source of warmth from the cold rain. But there was only a bitter cold of Dan wrapped in his blankets with the radiator broken, at three in the morning. He sighed and rolled out of bed, getting up and walking to Phil's room.
Since Phil hadn't officially moved out, all his stuff was still there — bright and colorful, but void of life and love. Dan knew he probably shouldn't, but it wasn't like Phil had second thoughts of returning soon, so Dan curled up into the colorful duvet and slept. This time, feeling more warmth and comfort.
Dan fluttered his eyes open to the sound of a text message from his phone. He groaned before grabbing his phone and checking the message. He felt his heart sink when he saw it was from Phil.
Hey, Josh and I were wondering if you would come over to spend the holidays with us! Here's Josh's address :)
Something within Dan stung like the venom of a snake. A snake named Jealousy. But Dan just inhaled deeply through his nose and smiled to himself.
Sure. I'll be over in half an hour.
Before Dan sent the message, he realized he sounded kind of salty. Which he was, but Phil didn't need to know that, so he rewrote the text.
Sure! I'll be over in half an hour :)
Better. Dan hit send and dragged himself out of bed to head over to torture himself for an hour.

When he arrived, Dan stood outside the apartment building with a small sheet of paper in hand. He wrote down a reminder for himself on how he should behave when he got inside.
Just be your sarcastic dramatic self that Phil knows you as, and don't be a jerk!
Perfect. He walked into the building and soon, got to Josh's front door where a small holiday garland was hung. Now for the hard part. Dan raised a careful fist to the door and knocked twice.
After a brief pause, the door opened and it was Phil. He had a bright smile on his face.
"Dan, you arrived just on time," Phil said happily. "Come on in."
Dan smiled shyly as he walked in, taking in his surroundings. It was a quaint little apartment. You could tell only two people could live in it, but it had charm and class.
After taking off his shoes, Dan was led to the lounge and sat on the sofa. He noticed Josh in the open kitchen, stirring a mug of tea in hand, and looking at him with gratitude.
"I'm so thrilled you could make it," Josh said, tapping his spoon against the mug. "Phil, over here, says you're not one for social conduct, but I guess you proved him wrong."
A small chuckle escaped Josh's lips, which struck a nerve within Dan, and he looked at Phil, who was sitting next to him on the sofa, looking a little guilty. But Dan pretended nothing happened, and stifled a laugh.
"No, he's right," Dan agreed. "He's always been the one to attract the crazy people."
Josh laughed, and took a sip from his cup.
"You calling me a crazy person?" Josh asked jokingly.
"To date this guy?" Dan said, pointing to Phil. "Oh yeah, you're definitely crazy."
Josh sat in between them on the sofa, and gestured to a bowl of chocolate on the coffee table in front of them.
"Northern chocolate," Josh told Dan. "Try some."
Dan skeptically looked at the suspicious chocolate, but didn't overthink it, and threw a couple of them in his mouth. They tasted slightly bitter but otherwise okay. Josh patted Dan's back a little harshly and laughed a little.
"Baby, you failed to mention how funny your friend is," Josh said to Phil.
Dan heard that word again, and his smile dropped. Friend. That's all he ever was to him.

After about a couple of minutes, a sudden headache began to pound against Dan's skull, and he held his head in his hands, rubbing his temple with his index fingers.
"Dan, are you okay?" Phil asked with genuine concern.
"Yeah, just got a random headache," Dan said awkwardly.
"I'll go get you some Ibuprofen," Phil said, getting up and leaving the room on the hunt for painkillers.
Also leaving Josh and Dan alone.
Dan continued to just stare at the floor, attempting to soothe his headache, when he noticed Josh's hand still on his knee.
"You know, Dan," Josh started, "I used to be somewhat of a volunteer nurse where Phil and I grew up, and I think I'd be able to see what's causing your headache."
Dan looked up at Josh with a puzzled expression. Why would he need to go in depth about a single headache? Then Dan got that odd feeling again.
"What do you mean?" Dan asked.
Josh let out a light chuckle and faced Dan.
"You know, just soothing your headache," Josh said, shrugging his shoulders.
Dan didn't know where this was going, but he kinda wanted to know.
"Show me," Dan said in a challenging tone.
He looked Josh directly in his eyes with a sense of competition, and Josh looked at him with thoughtful eyes.
"Alright," Josh said finally, and that's when he leaned in, grabbing hold of Dan's face, and kissed him deeply.

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