Chapter 7

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After roughly a month, the Halloween party had been mostly forgotten and was just told for laughs and memories. It was near the end of November, where Phil was found lounging in his bedroom with his laptop and thinking of video ideas. He suddenly got a twitter notification from a fan, and he opened it to read:
@AmazingPhil, one year ago today, you uploaded PINOF 9! I can't wait for the next one! :3
Phil's eyes widened with realization. Had it already been one year? And they want another? Phil bolted out of his spot in bed and his eyes scanned the calendar. They had lots to do for the next week, however, they would get the second December week off. Phil breathed out a sigh of relief. They could film then.
Thankfully, the week went by quickly, and Phil had a reminder that went off for the filming of PINOF 10. He peaked around the corner of Dan's room and smiled.
In a sing-song voice, Phil said, "Come on, Dan! Time for PhilIsNotOnFire 10!"
Phil then briskly and excitedly made his way into his bedroom to start filming. Being confused but slightly excited, Dan walked into Phil's bedroom to see Phil setting up a camera in front of the bed. "Alright," Dan said, "I'm ready to get high off of sharpie fumes one last time."

"Umm hello?" Dan questioned with his index finger and pinky finger held up to his ear to represent a telephone. "Police? Where did Phil's fringe go?"
Phil did the same actions but with his thumb and pinky finger.
"Uhh, it went to emo heaven," Phil responded, in a pretend serious tone.
Dan put his hand down, and looked at Phil with a disappointed face.
"The police would not talk to you like that," he said seriously.
"They would," Phil argued, "they'd be like, "Sorry sir, it's gone to emo heaven..?"" He dragged out the last letter which made it sound more like a question.
Back and forth of questions being answered, and the two went on with PhilIsNotOnFire 10 as if they never left.
"I guess you could say this was the most fun I've ever had, " Phil said, referring back to the first PINOF they did.
Dan rolled his eyes and playfully punched Phil in the arm a few times.
"Oh, look what you did," Dan said in a bashful and playful tone.
He was smiling as he did this, however after the camera turned off, he thought back to their first video, and his smile faded as he stared out at the walls of Phil's bedroom.
He could visualize that time in his life. He was a young boy with awkward energy, and a straight brown fringe. He had the aspiration to become a big YouTube star, and became friends with one himself. Then there was that evening, where he was sitting on fluorescent green carpet, a piece of paper in hand, and a camera pointed towards him. He could remember the feeling of the harsh impact of Phil tackling him onto his back, and them both laying there for maybe 6 seconds before helping each other up. But there was more than just slight discomfort in being pushed over. There was a fluttering sensation in his chest, his face burned bright pink, and he felt light. Like he could feel the angels carrying his soul to heaven.
Dan abruptly broke out of his trance and looked at Phil. He had a saddened and dazed look in his eyes.
"You alright, Dan?" Phil asked, sounding slightly concerned.
Dan didn't say anything, and just blinked slowly. His mind started to wander again as he deeply analyzed Phil's eyes. He remembered how people would comment ''Heart Eyes Howell'' when these kinds of stares occurred, and Dan sometimes wondered if Phil really saw it himself.
"Earth to Dan?"
Dan blinked, and let out a trembling sigh as he realized he had been staring at Phil for far too long. To avoid an oncoming blush rising to his face, he just simply laid his head on Phil's shoulder.
"I'm okay," he said in a low and sad tone. "I guess the video just took a lot out of me."
Phil didn't budge when Dan had his head on his shoulder, he just laid his head on top of Dan's.
"Dan?" Phil asked after a brief moment of comfortable silence.
"Hm?" Dan hummed.
"Do you think we could do something this evening?" Phil asked, lifting his head and facing down at Dan.
Dan felt his heart do a flip, and he lifted his head from Phil's shoulder.
"What?" His mouth moved but there was no sound.
Fortunately, Phil understood.
"I just wanted to take you out somewhere," he said shyly. "Only if you want."
Dan could feel the excitement kicking in his heart, and took everything within him not to squeal like a schoolgirl. He stayed very calm and composed, but he tried not to speak like a robot.
"Yeah," he said, nodding his head. "I'd like that."
Phil smiled sweetly, and gave Dan a quick hug before getting up, and heading upstairs. Leaving Dan in his bedroom alone, which was good because now, Dan could express how he truly felt about the situation. A massive grin displayed on his face as he leant backward onto the soft blue and green bed sheets, sprawled out like a starfish. Phil practically asked him out! Maybe this was an opening to finally tell him how he feels.

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