Chapter 2

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Dan rolled over and out of his bedsheets, staring frustratingly at his alarm clock. 8:00 am. He groaned, slamming his hand on the snooze button, and rolling over to the opposite side of the bed. Then his eyes shot open at the sound of knocking at his door.
"Dan?" Phil's voice echoed on the other side of the door. "Dan, can I come in?"
Dan groaned with his eyes only barely open.
"No," he grudgingly replied.
"What if I had a peace offering?" Phil asked.
Dan lifted his head slightly, feeling sleepily intrigued.
"Depends," he said groggily. "What is it?"
Phil finally opened the door, holding a tray with a plate of pancakes and a mug of coffee on the side. Phil walked in and put the tray on the foot of the bed. Dan sat up, revealing his bare chest that he covered up with his bedsheet in embarrassment.
"What's all this?" He asked, almost sounding grateful.
"Breakfast in bed," Phil said with a smile. "Happy Friend-iversary!"
That same word struck him again. Friend. Dan tried to push it to the back of his mind though, and smiled at the kind gesture.
"Happy Friend-iversary," he said.
Phil grinned, and clapped softly but excitedly.
"Well eat up," he said, "and get dressed, we've got a fun day ahead of us!"
Dan nodded, and Phil left the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

After his breakfast in bed, Dan got up and pulled on his black skinny jeans, and black and white striped shirt. He contemplated straightening his hair, mostly because he didn't really feel like doing it, but also because Phil had mentioned multiple times he preferred Dan's natural curls over the straightened fringe. So maybe, just for today, he would leave the curls in. But not to impress Phil. Of course not. It's honestly just hair.
Dan walked out of his bedroom and into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He went into the lounge to see Phil sitting on the sofa watching television with a coffee mug in hand. He looked up to Dan and smiled, patting the empty spot next to him on the sofa.
"Come join me," he said kindly.
Dan sat next to him, watching the television and almost fully rolled his eyes in annoyance. Phil was back to watching property shows again.
"Why do you watch these programs?" Dan asked, squinting his eyes with confusion.
"They are fascinating," Phil replied, looking at Dan with sophistication. "Maybe if you watched more, you would learn something."
Dan rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"Like what?" He asked.
"Like what a "feature wall" is," Phil said smartly.
Dan stifled a laugh, and cleared his throat.
"Okay, sure, let me know when you use this so-called "feature wall"," he said, putting air quotes around the last two words.

After a short while, Phil turned off the television and turned to Dan.
"So, what is the plan for us?" He asked, almost sounding like an impatient child.
Dan chuckled and lightly tapped the tip of Phil's nose playfully.
"I was thinking we could take a visit to Manchester," he said suggestively. "We can visit the places where we first met. Take a walk down memory lane."
Phil's eyes lit up and you could just about see the inner child stirring in his heart with glee.
"That's a great idea!" He exclaimed. "Let's book tickets for the train!"
Dan nodded in agreement, and Phil ran to get his laptop to book two tickets to Manchester. Maybe this day would be better than Dan originally thought. Spending the whole day with Phil wasn't an abnormal thing, but usually some things got in the way of them just being with each other.

After getting on the train, Dan felt relieved after just simply sitting next to Phil, who was already in and out of consciousness like a yo-yo.
"You can rest your head on my shoulder," Dan suggested to him. "If you want."
Phil smiled at him with a sleepy daze.
"Thanks," he said, and rested his head on Dan's shoulder.
After some time, Dan realized that, oddly, the train did have some sort of a comforting feeling about it, and it made him feel slightly sleepy too. He hesitated, but eventually decided to rest his head on top of Phil's head, closing his eyes, and just listening to the hum of the train traveling to their final destination.

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