To Extinguish the Burning Flame

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[Trigger Warning: references to alcohol abuse and sexual assault].

As Eudoria waited to be called into President Snow's Office, she felt her sight blur with tears: obscuring her view of the golden chandelier that hung from the ceiling. She observed how it brought the grand paintings on the wall to life; one of a lonesome sailor in a storm, his face indistinguishable, sat in his lowly rowing boat as a monstrous wave made its way towards him.

'Beautiful, isn't it?' Snow spoke in a low voice, causing her to flinch.

He smirked as she turned to look at him, his domineering frame standing over her as they both faced towards the painting. She nodded simply, removing her eyes from him, as they began to burn.

'No one knows its origin...' He began, 'Like the wave, the painting seemed to just appear.'

Eudoria kept her gaze focused on the sailor.

'I believe we are supposed to learn something from it; that even those who believe they have the power to conquer the world, will be dominated by a larger, more powerful force... Left trapped, awaiting their demise.' His voice was sinister, his syllables seeming to linger like the hiss of a snake.

As Eudoria stared at the image before her, she couldn't help but disagree with his interpretation: in her eyes, the sailor did not appear to be sitting idly in fear, but rather rowing towards the wave: as if despite knowing his chances of survival were slim, he would not give in, in the hope that he would make it to the other side.

He was not a foolish coward, but rather a dreamer.

'Come with me, Miss Grenville.' He stated quietly, before guiding her into the room. As she step inside, she felt her heartbeat quicken, and as he shut the door behind them, a feeling of nausea formed in her stomach; She had been here before.

The questions had been racing in her mind since Pheme informed her of their meeting; why had he asked for her in the middle of the day? Why had he called her here? He did everything he could to keep their affair a secret.

'Please do sit, Miss Grenville.' He instructed her, pointing to a seat on the opposite side of his desk.

She did so hesitantly, her gaze watching him fearfully.

'You look beautiful today, Miss Grenville.' He teased maliciously, enjoying the way she squirmed under his watchful gaze.

She sat silently, her throat too parched to speak.

He chuckled, relaxing in his chair.

'It seems something has finally caught our Diamond's quick tongue.' He jested.

God how she hated her new title. However, hearing it leave is mouth reminded her of her discussion with Finnick, before the party, and something he said in particular:

'You musn't appear weak.' Finnick stated as he paced the room.

'How am I to not appear frightened? I cannot hide the fear I feel.'

'No, you can be fearful, just not weak. There is a difference.' He began only to be met by her looking at him with her eyebrows furrowed.

Suddenly, he took a seat next to her on the couch, staring at her as he spoke.

'We are all scared at times, it is nothing but a feeling.' He continued softly, 'but weakness is to show them that they can use your feelings against you. Weakness is what gets you killed, not fear.' His words were so gentle, yet so powerful at the same time.

Whilst Eudoria didn't exactly know how to go about hiding her weakness, his words seemed to fill her with a strange confidence. She was not to be emotionless, but rather to make them think they were playing her bluff.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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