The Truth the Hour Foretold

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[Trigger Warning: descriptions of violence, and mentions of blood].

Finnick helped Eudoria to her feet, walking in the the direction of the group's temporary settlement; his hand never once left hers. As he passed Katniss he made a note of the disgust on her face, he felt then an urge to defend her.

'She's dehydrated Katniss.' He simply stated, an anger in his tone.

Eudoria gripped onto Finnick's arm, as he lowered her to the floor so that she was sitting propped up against a tree. He disappeared then, leaving her with the group, they watched her from afar as they settle down, as if they expected her to attack at any second. She couldn't blame them though, that's exactly what she had done.

Perhaps noticing her shame, Mags came over to her, lifting her chin with her calloused finger. Mags was always so loving, and that's what Eudoria admired most about her: she seemed to be able to overlook all the hurt and suffering she had experienced, and find the good in everything.

'Hi Mags.' She croaked.

A small smile played upon Mags lips, as she gazed at the girl: there was no judgement there, only understanding. They both looked up then, Mags distancing herself as Finnick returned with a makeshift leaf bowl, full of water.

Eudoria never thought she would be so excited to see water, but as Finnick helped her bring it to her lips, it took all the will power she had to not drink it all instantaneously. As she did, it was if it were magic: she was still exhausted, but she slowly felt herself returning to reality.

Finnick moved it aside as he ripped the sleeve of his suit. As his focused glance quickly landed on her leg, wrapping the fabric around the wound, his eyes then returned to hers.

'You ready?' He asked, there was still an uncomfortable seriousness to his voice.

'Just do it.' She demanded bluntly, her body already recoiling from the foreshadowed pain.

Swiftly, he knotted the fabric, pulling it tight. She seethed in pain, trying her best to keep her breathing stable;  as he finished tying the dressing, her eyes closed and she leaned her head against the tree's trunk.

'I'm gonna go and get you some more water.' Finnick said quickly, preparing to stand.

However, Eudoria opened her eyes, grasping his hand, and bringing him back down so that he was face-to-face with her.

She looked at him for a second, sadness and guilt pricking her eyes.

'Are we good?' She asked him quietly.

His mask of adrenaline and fear dropped, and an adoring look was the only thing that remained on his face. He was not angry with her, he understood that she had been acting out of fear: he just wanted to ensure that she was looked after, and cared for, and in doing so he had appeared emotionless and angry.

'Yeah,' his eyebrows raising,' were good. Always.' He explained to her, leaning in to place a gentle kiss to her forehead.

She watched him leave after, as if he was her whole world.

'How can they act as if nothing just happened?', Katniss questioned, 'She was going to kill him.' She poke to Peeta, however her stare remained fixed on the couple in the distance.

Peeta spoke without hesitation: 'Not him.'

Katniss looked to him now, confused by what he had said, and why he seemed to keep defending this woman. However, Peeta's eyes remained where hers had been.

'I watched her Games, Haymitch said it would be a good way to pick out people's weaknesses.' He thought for a moment before continuing:

'Her district partner was killed in the same way. They both climbed trees thinking they would be safe, but before she could even do anything the Careers had ambushed him, trapping him so he had no escape... She stayed hidden for days, thinking they would come back,'

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