Let Not Light See

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The party seemed to go on for hours. Luckily, Eudoria was now presented with an opportunity to escape, as Snow was called away.

She tried her best to disappear quietly, hoping not to draw to much attention, as she snuck into an unoccupied room. Leaning against the wall, she breathed, trying to relax her tense body.

'Miss Grenville.' A voice entered the room.

Her eyes darted to the concerned face of Strucker Farlock: worry etched in the crease of his brow.

'Is everything alright?' He asked looking her over, clearly having noticed the pale colour of her skin.

She was silent for a moment; she wasn't entirely present to begin with, and it didn't help that she kept finding herself distracted by the way that his soft gaze searched hers.

She shook her head. 'It is nothing, truly, I just don't think large volumes of alcohol agree with me, that is all.' She finished with a smile, hoping that he would believe her, because there did seem to be some truth to what she was saying: after all she hadn't really touched the stuff before.

He chuckled in response, before offering to escort her home: she thanked him for his offer, but explained that it was probably best if she returned to the party.

'Then who will keep me company?' He asked absentmindedly: his eyes followed his gloved hand, as he adjusted the strap of her dress.

Eudoria felt that tense chill come over her body again.

When Strucker looked up he quickly made note of the wideness of her eyes, and quickly removed his hand: allowing her space.

'Miss Grenville, I didn't mean it like that, I assure you.' His voice was so apologetic, and the disgust that swirled in his eyes demonstrated that he was being truthful.

'Its's alright.' She explained quietly.

'Do people often ask that of you?' He whispered: wanting an answer, but not wanting to frighten her.

Part of Eudoria wanted to tell him everything, to tell him just how scared she was: yet the other side of her, perhaps the more logical side, reminded her that Strucker was Snow's right-hand man. But he was just so easy to be around, he was always so kind.

Not wanting to give in to either side of the battle, she awkwardly walked away from him; taking a seat on the couch. She rearranged the cushions as an answer halted at her lips.

A hand stopped hers. 'You don't need to tell me.' The relief this one statement brought her was immense; recently it seemed as if people always wanted answers from her, mainly for questions she could not answer.

'You know you never did finish telling me about District 5.' Strucker teased, resuming a more comfortable position on the couch as he did.

Eudoria giggled, before she began telling him of the magic of her school days: the ones that seemed so far behind her, yet were not all that distant at all.

After they had finished talking Strucker had finally managed to convince her to leave the party. She was hesitant at first, considering she did not know whether Snow would request her presence later, he had not communicated this, as he usually did, so she assumed that her services were not required. Strucker also offered for her to stay in his suite, adamant that it was only so that she would feel safe, and not because he wanted anything else from her. However, there was only one place she wanted to be right now, so that was where she headed.

As she slowly opened the door, the darkness of the apartment highlighted that she was alone. Slipping off her heels, and leaving them by the front door, she made her way into the bathroom: the warm bath seemed to wash away the horrors of the day, it also seemed to highlight just how exhausted she was: which is why she didn't dawdle getting ready for bed, and quickly made herself comfortable on the couch.

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