Frightening is the Mask You Wear.

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The train journey back to District 5 was a rather tedious, but all the more refreshing one. Yes, she had seen each tree over a dozen times, but when you yearn so deeply for something of familiarity, they can be a comforting sight.

It was hard for Eudoria not to think about last night, and every time she did her head spun all over again. Neither her nor Finnick returned to the party, instead they remained on the rooftop for a while longer; not another word was uttered between them: it was just nice to know that they had each other, especially as they tried to shield one another from the wind.

After a while, Finnick shared the bad news of what would be his necessary departure, due to him having an appointment with one of the woman that had been clinging to his arm at the dinner table. Eudoria felt enlightened in the most horrific way. Finnick had refused to take his jacket back, even as Eudoria tried to force it onto his body.

'You will freeze out here.' He argued, smiling as he did: however it was weighed down by the sadness in his eyes.

'As will you, Finnick Odair.' She replied softly, feeling rather exhausted.

'We'll make a deal. You can return it to me before the next party: there we can also discuss strategies and tactics.' He told her with a cunning smile on his face.

There was a certainty in his delivery, which highlighted to Eudoria that she had no say in the matter.

'Strategies and tactics? It's like we are in the Games all over again.' She commented, a glum chill quietening her voice.

'We are.' Finnick answered honestly, 'Just a different arena, and a new set of rules.'

He shook his head.

'Anyway, 3pm, Room 273. Don't be late.' He ordered playfully, as he began walking to the elevator.

Eudoria smiled again: 'I can't make any promises!' She called after him.

'I won't wait for you!' His retorted, his back still to her.

'Yes, you will.' She quickly followed up with.

She caught him smirking as he turned to face the doors of the elevator, as he now found himself inside, and within a breath he was gone.

With his departure, yet another peculiar interaction with Finnick could be added to the list; they began the evening almost indifferent in manner, that had then progressed to attempted murder on Eudoria's part, only to come to an understanding, and now she stood smiling, as they had engaged in yet another fist-fight of sarcasm and humour. She couldn't read him, that was the issue: foundationally he was kind and intelligent, that much was obvious, but was the fun and witty Finnick that she seemed to encounter, a toned-down version of the character he played for the Capitol? That's why Eudoria found it so horrific, because he was so good at it, he was so good at playing this role that had been manufactured for him, that perhaps he didn't even know himself what was real and what was not. As Eudoria remained where he had left her, the dread of the same thing happening to her caused her skull to throb.

A headache was the very excuse used when Pheme had inquired about her disappearance from the party, and whilst Pheme had appeared somewhat sceptical, Eudoria was glad she had been able to go to her room with any questions being asked.

As the train entered District 5, the sight of the large hydro-electric dam brought her back to the present, and a wave of nostalgia washed over her.

As she made her way out of the train station, she felt the heat of prying eyes upon her; after Eudoria's victory in the Games, to some extent things returned to normal: people still smiled at her as the passed her in the street. However, their seeming acceptance didn't allow for the reality of the Games to hurt any less; no matter how much Eudoria told herself she didn't have a choice, she would never be able to fully convince herself of this; perhaps she could have done things differently.

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