The Mourning Period

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Got nothing better to do, may as well attempt to catch up with Kyu and her story tonight! Be ready for a couple more uploads, depending on how I feel later on.


So college had started again, I hated going back after holidays, my sleeping pattern was always ruined from going to sleep post-midnight and waking up at lunchtime, or later. But it was college time, year two was upon me!

On my first day back, I bumped into an ex of mine, Kayleigh. By bumped into, I mean she bumped into me, decided to hold me there for five minutes and felt the need to tell me that she was single again and the usual stuff. "Great for you!" I thought, not telling her about Rosa. Little did I know that I would fall for Kayleigh's hidden charm once again. That night she unblocked me on MSN, and we got talking again. She asked me if I still liked her, I thought about my answer carefully. "Yes.". This was the only possible way I could think of getting over losing Rosa, to get myself a girlfriend and someone to take my mind off it. Later that same night me and Kayleigh were officially back together. Oh joy.

I had to tell Rosa, making her jealous was not my intention, I just wanted her to know I was moving on.

*Hey Rosa, just thought I'd let you know that me and Kayleigh got back together.

*You did what?!

*She asked me. So I said yes.

*Mike, the one rule I thought you would know is to never go back with your exes. How ever unwritten the rule is, they are exes for a reason!

So what if I was getting back with my ex? Rosa is the girl who told me she loved me, then two weeks later got with a crush that she had "gotten over" a year ago! Who was she to give me advice?

*Nobody told me that.

*It's common sense...

Yeah it's common sense to not listen to me when I tell you it's okay to leave me.

*Yeah well, I'm dating Kayleigh

That was that, I had told her, the rest of the nights conversations went as usual. I expected Rosa to go on facebook and run her eyes over Kayleigh's profile, finding anything bad that she could to use it against me, but I could've cared less if she did. Rosa was gone. I was totally over her. Right?

The next morning was my birthday, my nineteenth birthday! How could anyone be so un-exicted for their own birthday? I really didn't care about it. It was just another day.

As my mother and father had split up weeks before my birth, he lived elsewhere and I would visit occasionally, we decided it would nice for me to spend the majority of my birthday there. I liked that idea, I could take my mind off Kayleigh AND Rosa at the same time. Complete disconnection from anyone except my father, step-mum, and three younger step-sisters, whom I disliked.

The day lacked excitement, with the best part being me opening my few cards to reveal little amounts of money. I even got a pair of socks and a huge bar of Toblerone off my nana. That was the best part of any birthday or Christmas, she fact that she always got me a huge bar of Toblerone, my favourite chocolate. The hours slowly dragged on before I got to see Kayleigh, we had planned on going to the cinema to see a horror film.

The clock eventually ticked past 6pm, time to go see Kayleigh! The enthusiasm never seemed to appear. My father dropped me off just around the corner from Kayleighs house, just in time. As I knocked on her front door, the sound of her annoying little dog made sure I was at the right house. A few seconds passed before she opened the door, wearing the most gorgeous red dress. She always seemed to wear a dress when we went out, even when I dated her a year ago. The only flaw I could find with the dress, was the body it was being worn over. Kayleigh was, lets say, overweight. But that didn't matter. inner beauty is what counts in a relationship, and I liked her personality.

We walked and talked towards the cinema, which was only a few minutes away. She told me about how her ex had dumped her over the phone, and how college was going. I remained almost silent for the whole ordeal.After five minutes of walking together in the cold, we arrived at the warm entrance to the Odeon cinema. We shuffled up to the front counter, and I purchased my tickets, using my student card for an extra discount of course, which came to a total of £6. Six whole pounds just to see a movie?! What a rip off!

We entered the foyer, which contained multiple arcade machines and a food counter, from which you could buy sweets, popcorn and drinks. Kayleigh decided we needed popcorn, and since it was my birthday, I expected her to pay, or atleast help out with the cost, but no, I was the male, it was my duty.

Eight pounds later we had a large popcorn and two Pepsi's. This place was full of con-artist employees.

After a few minutes of lounging around, our screen opened and we made our way down to it, it was screen 10, the furthest one from the entrance. As we walked in the mass of adverts were just ending, and the lights at either side faded to black. This was exciting!

The title screen came up, it read, "The Exorcist - 18". Jokingly I told her that she had to be older than 18 to watch this movie, and we'd have to leave because of her. She replied "I'm 18 now asshole, don't you keep track of anything?". Woah what got into her? I was only joking about it.

An hour and a half, a crushed hand and large box of popcorn later, it was time to get up. The crushed hand was due to Kayleigh seeming to believe that if she gripped my hand harder, the monsters wouldn't get her. What an idiot, it was just a film.

Throughout the entire time I was with Kayleigh, I couldn't stop thinking about what Rosa was doing, even though she was with Lee, I still loved her. Before I knew it I was standing outside Kayleighs door, giving her a kiss goodnight, the only kiss we had shared all night. Our relationship was pathetic, I had little to no feelings for Kayleigh, why had I been so stupid to go out with her again? That's what the mouning period does to you, any desperate chance to show you're getting over someone is taken....

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