Chapter 2 : Unexpected Turn

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As Namjoon entered the orphanage, memories from his own past flooded back, He grew up here.

He sighed and cradled the sleeping Jungkook in his arms. He approached a familiar face, a kind lady who greeted him warmly.

"Namjoon! It's been so long," she exclaimed, smiling at Jungkook. "And who's this little cutie? Your son?"

Namjoon chuckled softly, shaking his head. "No, he's not my son," he replied gently. "I actually found him on the beach, and I've come here to see if you could take him in. I'd also like to make a donation to help support the orphanage."

The lady's eyes widened in surprise and concern as she listened to Namjoon's explanation. "Oh my, that's quite unexpected," she murmured, her expression softening with compassion. "Of course, we'll do everything we can to help. And your donation will be greatly appreciated, as always."

Namjoon nodded gratefully, feeling a sense of relief knowing that Jungkook would be taken care of in the familiar surroundings of the orphanage. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "I just want to make sure he's safe and well cared for."

As Namjoon tried to hand Jungkook over to the lady, he felt a tight grip on his shirt. Looking down, he saw Jungkook's tiny hand clutching onto him tightly.

The lady chuckled softly and remarked, "Looks like he doesn't want to let go of you."

Namjoon's heart fluttered at the unexpected attachment from Jungkook. He gently tried to pry Jungkook's fingers off his shirt, but the baby's grip was so strong. With a slight struggle, Namjoon managed to loosen Jungkook's hold and handed him to the lady.

But as Jungkook woke up and found himself in the arms of a stranger, he began to cry, reaching out to Namjoon with tear streaked cheeks.

Namjoon's heart clenched as he tried to explain to Jungkook "Jungkook, I have to go now. You'll be okay here, I promise."

Jungkook shak his head vigorously while crying .

Namjoon hold Jungkook's tiny hand "I know it's hard, Jungkook. But I have to go. I'll visit you as much as I can."

Jungkook crying harder, reaching out for Namjoon.

The lady placing a comforting hand on Jungkook's back said "It's okay, sweetheart. Namjoon will come back to see you. You'll have lots of friends here."

Jungkook's didn't listen to her as his cries grew louder as he struggled to break free from the lady's arms, his small hands desperately reaching out for Namjoon.

Namjoon patted Jungkook's head he said with his trembling voice "We are strangers to eachother Jungkook, it's better that we should found our own different paths, Be brave little one. Goodbye"

With a heavy heart, Namjoon turns away and walks out of the orphanage, As his step gose one by one Jungkook's cries echoes but he didn't stopped and walked opposite side of the road waiting for another taxi.

As he was waiting he noticed a tiny figure running towards him. His eyes got widened as it was Jungkook in the middle of the road. And a car coming so fast towards him.Namjoon quickly ran to grab Jungkook before the car hit him.

With all his strength, Namjoon grabbed Jungkook and pulled him into his arms, shielding him from the oncoming car. The force of the impact sent them tumbling to the ground on the other side of the road, but Namjoon held onto Jungkook tightly, refusing to let go.

As they lay on the ground, Namjoon's heart raced with fear as he hugged Jungkook close, checking him for any injuries. Jungkook whimpered softly, his tiny body trembling in Namjoon's arms.

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