The songs feel like covers

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This chapter references night shift by Lucy Dacus

"Im sorry about Katie," Taylor said trying to derail her one track mind from thinking about Drew.

"I know it's for the better, I'm sorry about Drew," Travis said throwing pebbles onto the water

"Guess you can't loose what you never had," Taylor replied shivers in her voice.

"Hey can I tell you something, I mean you don't have to say anything back if you don't like what I'm gonna say?" She asked worried.

"Sure go ahead,"

"The first time me and Drew kissed I had a coughing fit and I mistakenly called him by your name and forward was let down it wasn't the same as our kiss here at this very place a few years ag-," she still had a lot more things today but she was abruptly stopped by another pair of lips softly on hers.

" I feel no need to forgive so I might as well kiss you on the lips," he explained smiling

"Thank you" she said she said gritting her teeth, it was too dangerous to fall so young but it could be so worth it.

"Are we on the same page? Cause I like you but I'm not sure you like me," he was curious to see if his thoughts were.

"How about yes," she kissed him again knowing he would roll with it.

"I know we just broke up with the lying traitors but I've liked you forever, if you would be so kind to let me call you my beautiful girlfriend?" He asked hoping he wouldn't screw this up.

"Yes along as as we can still go to the dance as friends, I don't want everyone knowing straight away," Taylor replied knowing this could either break her heart or bring her back to life.

All Travis could reply back was a smile, he felt on top of the world.

"That reminds me our parents are waiting for us back home to take pictures," she said trying to drag him back the way to her house but he wasn't  having it.

"Hold up lemme show you something," he smirked pulling her towards the water.

He entered the stream and kicked some of the water up at her.

"You seriously want a water fight?" She said laughing then proceeding to throw some water at him.

The fight lasted about five more minutes before Taylor finally stepped in and forced him to go back to her house knowing both sets of parents would be wondering where they were.

Travis and taylor ran the way back as to not be too late. They entered through the back yard to be discreet but found Scott, Andrea, Donna and Ed all crossing their arms waiting for them.

"Where have you two been you're both absaloutley soaked?" Ed yelled not impressed by their actions.

"Uh at the creak," Taylor said trying not to look at them.

"And where are Drew and Katie?" Andrea tried to ask but was disrupted by Taylor and Travis giggling.

"So basically they both cheated on us with each other so now we're going to the dance together as friends" Travis lied to them finding it hilarious.

"Whose lip stick have you got on your lips than Travis?" Donna said knowing the answer but wanting to embarrass her son instead.

Travis was lost for words but Taylor just laughed and kissed him and simply said
"My lip stick!"

"I'm confused what's going on?" Scott said staring at them.

"Taylor is my girlfriend because we figured out both of our relationships were a distraction from the truth," Travis said cautious not to say anything that their parents would be wiered out by.

Written 12.2.24
615 words

I'm abroad for the rest of the week so I won't be able to update untill next week.



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