Day's go so fast

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HEYYY guys it is me Maddie and I just wanted to say thank you for reading my book!!!

 AND THAT... It makes me feel so much better to see so many people saving my book and reading it so thanks loves And remembered to comment and vote AND THAT YOU ARE SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL AND NEVER LET AND UGLY ASS BITCH TELL YOU DIFFERENT BECUSE FUCK THEM THEY ARE JUST FUCKING TROLL LOOKING ASS BITCHES THAT PROBABLY SMELL LIKE FUCKING ROTTEN FISH!!!!!



 BECUSE YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!! AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT AND ALWAYS KNOW THAT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND SO SPECIAL AS FUCK SO YEAH THAT AND ALSO IF YOU SAY YOUR NOT I WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE KIDNAP YOU AND MAKE YOU SAY IT TILL YOU BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!! and now that I am done I love you and keep reading loves and always do what you love!!!!!! 💓💚🤍🖤.......... now on to the story.  

                                                                   **** 2 day's later*               

                                                                            Astridge's POV

It was two days later since our date it was two days later since one of the best nights of my whole life!!! it was two days later since me and Draco slept together in his bed and cuddled each other all night I felt like it was the best sleep I've ever had in my whole life!!! I've always had struggle sleeping. Ever since I was three years old or younger than that I've always knew that I needed to get out of that, but I couldn't I just could not and what I have is well it's called. 

sleep insomnia

 and I've had it forever it feels like I can never go to sleep and even when I do I have nightmares and I mean BAD nightmares and the reason I think is because my parents are death eaters and that means me to one day  and also my parents always have wanted me to be like them matter fact they want me to be like them so much that they want me to marry one of the boys our be in arranged marriage which no I am not ready for at all and I always tell my parents I don't want an a damn arranged marriage I mean I don't even know the person and what if they are ugly or just damn or is not like dray I mean um yeah you know what I mean and so do the boy's and pansy's parents they want them to do the same so duh we all said, no!  not at all so yeah anyways yeah back to everything else... all of our parents are death eaters, and they want us to be the exact same way as them but I mean I don't want to exactly like my parents I mean who does cuz I DON'T AT ALL AND I MEAN Neither DO THE BOY'S like I mean I hate when people even call  me and  my  mom twins cuz we are not,


but anyways my parents they're not really like Draco's parents still the same but not as horrible well they were or at least they used to be not so horrible not at first when I found all of everything out well, we all did all of me and my best friends but now they are they but well come back to my parents later now on to Draco's parents... Lucius always has wanted Draco to well you know... be a death eater just like my parent's do and to do death eater things like get things for them and find people and well you know so on and just like I knew I would have to one day he knew the same well it wasn't like he never knew just like it wasn't like I never knew but he knew cuz of Mattheo, tom and  Voldemort duh they would know first I mean they are his sons  "they will get there's first on the day I feel ready" is all he said the last time my parents dragged me to one of those unbelievable meetings well 'Death eater'  meetings  that I was kind of scared of the last time I went was 5 days ago before school  to the meeting I am talking about now I know as soon as I get to be a real death eater like I get the mark all I know is at ,east I will be with my friends maybe. anyways I just feel like Draco might hide thing from me when he gets his cuz he has before, and I don't want that to happen again, and we just got good.

just only 2 days ago I had one of the best dates of my whole life because it was with one of my best friends it was with the same boy I remember being with since I was a newborn baby the same boy, I used to say "I will never kiss you" to when he used to make duck lips and come close to me and chase me around his back yard and mine when we were 5 and 6 years old  and when we were 3 he would hold me and tell me it's ok baby ash (Astridge is the youngest in the group) when I would be crying so it was so special to me when we had the date even if it was just one date but I loved it so much

(Author: I mean I would love a date with Draco Malfoy or yk what just with the real tom Felton Lol)

so anyways let's talk about a woman I love so much, and her name is.... Narcissa Malfoy she is my favorite Aunt/God mum every time I have to go to the Malfoy manner I just can't wait because I get to see her and Draco to duh, but she is my favorite because she is just the mother every one's always wanted, and I can't remember the last time she didn't get me or my group out of trouble  and said we were just kids and kids  do things like that and she remined  all of the parents how they were all a group first and that is why all their kids are best friends like me Dray, Pansy, Enzo, Tom, Mattheo, Theo and well yh all those people all my best friends but she is probably the one of the only parents I am happy to see in those meeting all of the parents have been making me and the gang to go to those damn meetings and I just feel like t

he 2 brothers I love the most in the world (Tom and Mattheo) are going to get that damn mark and Mattheo is going to be worse than he was before because of his father, and it has happened before to him. 


He was not good at all his father is mostly nicer to tom but it's not even nicer because Voldemort is not nice not even to his own wife Bellatrix now, I do love my aunt/God mum Bella I mean she helped make two of my favorite people in the whole world well my favorite brothers in the whole world and she is not as mean as she Seems she is my next favorite aunt she has to be mean Tho because she is married  to one of the biggest sorcerers in the world so yup she is nice to me Tho and she always has been and she does love him that is why I feel bad for her, I have never understood how my mum got with my dad or how Bella ever got with Voldemort or how Narcissa got with Lucius or how any of the other parents got with each other but anyways 

I just got a letter from my mum saying we have a death eater meeting in 3 days, and we will all have to show up and that we will be home for 2 or 3 days and I was so confused because school just started and well, we just got here. god days go so fast.

but the thing is I think I know why we have to go back, and I don't want to think the reason i have been thinking...

so, guys what do you think is happening? 

what do you think is gonna happen to the group when they go back home?

do you think they well be hurt?

do you think something happened to their parents?

come back next time to found out what happened to the group when they all go back together, and I will post soon I promise! 

and I am so sorry this was kinda rushed but I was doing it while in class😭😭😭😭

school has just been on my ass lately so yh but as always, I LOVE YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH and hope you all had a beautiful day.

and by the way I will post every one's parents next so you guys can see them some might look a little young, but they are not and is they look it just act like they are older but with all that being said my teacher looks like he wants to kill everybody anyway so bye my loves.

I love you with all my heart🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💛💛💛💛💛💛💚💚💚💚💙💙💙🩷🩷❤️❤️💜💜💜💜💜🤎🤎🤎❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💖💖💖💘💘💘💝💝💝💝💟💟💟🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

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