DRACO'S back🐍💲

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So we turn around to leave Eeylops Owl Emporium (the owl shop) we knew we wanted to get a new owl all of us even though we already have one so we did anyways we turn around to leave and we see Draco all of us look at each other and blasie says guys should go say something I say nothing because the last time I really talked to Draco was like on the last day of school and I told him some really mean things because he's always would flirt with me and something had happened that had got too serious one of the times on the last day of school before we had our fight obviously. So pansy walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek obviously he saw her walk over he did a slight smirk and looked at me he told her hi she hugged him and said where have you been you jerk and slightly hit him on the shoulder he said been around walked over to me and told me that I looked pretty I said thank you and rolled my eyes. Knowing that that would piss him off I walked over towards Mattheo because he's the only one that I told what I said to Draco which I don't know why I did cuz I mean that's MATTHEO
But I did so he whispered in my ear and asked me if I wanted to leave saying slightly and gently love would you like to leave I said no not right now and he said okay he grabbed my hand Tom saw and came to the middle of us and said okay love birds that's enough loud enough for the whole group to hear then everyone started saying oooooooooooooooooooooh I just said shut up and let go of his hand i pushed Tom just a little bit or at least I thought but enough to push her into a little bit of a wall everyone song at the same time enzo and theo said your dead Tom said no she's not, not today she better be glad she's one of my best  friends everybody else just said yeah okay and theo said no it's cuz you like her we get it you wanna smash that and i just died laughing 🤣 then i said yeah well he's not gonna and everyone laughed at that and then pansy said I am hungry and Draco said I'll buy since we're all rich I said I will buy my own he said no you won't and in front of all my friend pinned me aginst the wall i was so uncomfortable and theo saw now I've known Theo since I was a little little kid and he has always been my main boy I cuddle with him sometimes I help him when he has panic attacks and I just love him to death because he doesn't love or nott. So he walked over to Draco pushed him off me grab my hand took me to the side and asked me if I was okay Mattheo came and said are you okay to me I said yes Tom saw all three of us together and he came over he said draco's kind of having a fit about you pushing him off y/n Theo was getting mad and hyperventilating and I tried to calm him down and he said no that ass whole shouldn't have did that to you all the boys have always been protective over me and pansy so it's not a new thing to see for me or her she's always had a big crush on Theo even when she dated Draco she had a crush on Theo so she came over and hugged him obviously he hugged her back cuz he likes her too a lot so when they hugged each other and he calmed down a bit Draco walked over and said well looks like I'm back in the group at this point Enzo and blasie saw what was going on and came over they said is everything okay over here and you said yeah Mattheo walked up to Draco and said damb me up bro draco laughed and did just that. After that we went to pansy's house after getting food we just got pizza something quick we were going to have a sleepover at pansy's house because her parents had left to go to Hogwarts already her dad helped set up for when we get back to school and her mom was a professor there we didn't know what professor her mom would be and she was kind of scared of that but it helped that we were there Draco walked in over the summer pansy had moved into a house closer to mine that was way bigger then he last one but like I said before mine is bigger.
                               My house

   See my house is way bigger my friend's and family call Me a princess it runs through my family that the first princess will be here in the last one will love my mom and anut always tell my that story all the time so everyone at Hogwarts and everything always respect me like one because well everyone thinks that I'm a real one which I basically am there's a crescent stone that runs through our family that every princess wears and I always have mine my dad got mine made into a bracelet and my mom got the one that she gave me made into a necklace so everyone must respect me like a princess professors, students, everyone so everyone does even to my friends.
                     Pansy's old house

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