howarts day!

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So today we are going back to Hogwarts and I am so excited because I love it there cuz like I said in the beginning it's like my next home so we wake up after we crashed out last night after we got back from dinner also we had met up with friends and went to a party we had so much fun so much that half of us were drunk and we crashed out I woke up I hug pansy she was up with Theo and Draco she said bye Astridge I got the name of astridge cuz well it matches the a names just like my sister. Astoria so yeah it is really good that we're going back to Hogwarts because I get to see Harry and Ron and Hermione and Neville and even my brother that my parents raised well he's not my real brother but his parents died and my parents adopted him when they did he was seven when they died so he's been with me my entire life I was only six so I don't really remember but he says he remembers everything and he always will he's really nice to me but he's kind of a jerk to everyone else. He's nice to my friends because while they're my friends they're his too so yeah so I told pansy I'm going home so I can get dressed and she says okay while I'm walking out of the door after taking a shower at pansy's house and getting dressed into different clothes Draco follows me Theo sees it and I see it but I just say nothing I keep walking like I don't see him in the reflection behind me but I do he's already dressed not in his robes but in just a black shirt and blue jeans I turn around when I get to the front door and I got my keys yes I have a car my parents got me a car when I turned 15 so that I can drive on my own if I get stranded anywhere I can't get stranded cuz that's happened before when I was with pansy. I grabbed my keys off her key thing that's by her wall I accidentally drop her parents key he bends down and I've been down in the same time her parents have a lot of cars so yeah she has a lot of keys on that wall plus some of the boys cars Plus pansy's cars so he been down and I've been down he picks up the keys and hands them to me he smirks at me while I roll my eyes and blow out I say what does Draco Malfoy want from me now and he says nothing. I can feel his breath touching my neck as he walks up closer to me I bump into pansy's door and at this point I'm all the way in the corner by her door he says what are you backing up for love and a very spicy but slow tone I say because well you can see you walking up on me can't you he says yes I know exactly what I'm doing. He kisses my cheek and says see you at Hogwarts I say yeah see you at Hogwarts I grab his face and kiss his cheek and then I look at him he looks back at me so surprised and unexpected I say is something wrong and I laugh I turned around put my keys around my neck because they have a lanyard he starts laughing slowly and I can hear him I turn around little kiss at him and walk out the door. I get a text from pansy. Two and a half hours later and I'm putting on my makeup and my dress yeah that's right I'm wearing a dress pansy told me she's just going to wear her normal uniform and I told her okay so I had showed her my dress and she said how pretty it looked I have never put it on though she text me saying that Draco had looked really hot and I said oh no don't do this again pans not to yourself. Because they have dated before and they broke up because he was caught kissing another girl I don't know why pans is still friends with him but when we were little we all promise never to break up the group so that's probably why they had never said I love you to each other so she wasn't really sad cuz to be honest with you she was cheating on him too and I think they had found out cuz of Blaise she never really said anything every time he would flirt with me though because we all know Draco he's sort of a bad person. I would just see her in the back of him looking sad always the last one and his vocabulary every time they would get into an argument pansy would come to me crying saying that he said that she was never ever meant to be with him and that he didn't want her one time she just walked up to him slapped him in the face in the hallway while I was with him and the boys were there and said we're over he said fine she walked away crying a little bit but she knew she didn't really love him she had always had a crush on feel like I said so she really wanted him. Anyways let's get back to the point I tell her that's not a good thing please don't fall for him again she says I know I'm not going to but he just looks so good I said however good he looks do not fall for him she said fine and told me that all the boys had already left her house an hour ago to get ready they had all went back to their houses to pack up the rest of their stuff and leave I said okay I'll meet you at the train station and our group chat to everybody and everybody said meet you at the station I put on my dress and I got ready to leave I grabbed my suitcases I grabbed my owl I grabbed the rest of my books my purse and headed out. Finally I met everybody at the train station I bumped into Draco first he wasn't with the boys he said you look so hot to me I could feel myself fluttering up almost blushing but I didn't because I told myself do not like Draco Malfoy. And my head I knew that I had always had a small crush on him and that he always liked me but I didn't want to be like pansy always the last one so I never let myself do it after that I saw everybody all the boys while the rest of them and pansy walking out I told them how good they looked I kissed Pansy on the cheek because like I said she was kind of flustered because her mom was a professor and her dad was a substitute I told her she was okay all the boys comforted her we got on the train then that's when I saw Hermione and Ron and Harry I had also known Hermione forever she was also one of my very close best friend and my girl group same with pansy and Daphne then I saw Daphne with Becky one of my other friends and Becky's boyfriend Becky was kind of a well she went from boy to boy all the time I was surprised to see that this relationship had lasted at least 3 weeks her boyfriend's name is Alex he saw me going over to the Golden trio and he grabbed my arm and I sat down I said what Alex and Becky and Daphne said hi I said hi I hugged the girls and I got up to go Alex whispered in my ear where you going hot stuff I saw Becky looking at him and rolling her eyes she didn't really care like I said she went back to back from boys I said I'm going to my other friends he said fine but can you come back to me I said how about no I took his hand off my arm and went over to them I hugged Hermione I kissed Ron's cheek and well I fixed Harry's glasses cuz they were broken again I had got Harry a gift because I had missed his birthday my gift was a beautiful ring it was from one of my older families back in the day it was a copy of it and it was very expensive I showed it to him I let him open it in front of me and he said it was the most beautifulest one ever he didn't have a crush on me and he was the only boy who didn't even Ron had a little one on me in the beginning of the years he doesn't anymore cuz well Hermione. And I'm so glad he gave me a hug and I got flustered because well I barely got a hug from Harry he said thank you so much and he put it on it fit perfectly and I walked back over to my friends after saying you are so welcome I told Hermione I would see her later and the Great Hall and she said okay bye hope they called me hope because Hope was my second name my name is Astridge hope green grass was the name of my great great great grandmother my mom just love that name it was going to be my first name but my mom said no. I went back over to my friends and ends up said I just wanted to tell you Ash that your dress looks amazing they all call me Ash I said thank you so much Enzo and Draco said yeah you look so hot and I said would you leave me alone with the flirting please and Theo said yeah leave her alone with the flirting when she asked and he said I look good they all said the same thing
By the time we got to Hogwarts it was basically the same Draco was already bullying Harry as soon as we got off the train.
Which obviously I apologize to Harry for Draco like I always do like I've been doing since we were in first year and yeah then they said we got a new student I was kind of surprised because they said it's a 6th  just like us I said a 6th year to panty she said I wonder who it is I said yeah me too then the person I hate the most walked in it was my ex best friend when me and the group had broke up even with me and pansy I had got a new best friend her name was Dana I hated her the most I had a boyfriend that I had kind of fell in love with and she took him from me and put him under a spell I unspelled him and we broke up because of and her actions Dana had always been a b**** when I knew would try and steal my friends from me still anybody I loved from me and she even went psycho one time and tried to break into my house cuz I told her I didn't want to be best friends with her anymore she walked in she immediately got sorted into a ravenclaw yeah cuz that's the house for her the house I hate most I despise ravenclaw I go over to the Gryffindor table cuz Hermione knows but pansy still doesn't know cuz I never told her me and Hermione didn't get into a fight it was just me and the group Hermione asked me if I was okay and I wanted to go to my dorm I had my own dorm because well I said the princess thing just like Draco and all the boys are in my group and pansy we all have our on dorms I said no it's okay I can say she said do you want me to go to the Slytherin tables with you I said no it's okay cuz you know Draco going to be an a****** to you she said yeah I know then I saw Dana going over to my friends pansy sort of knew the story but I never told her the girl's name when they said Dana Wilson is ravenclaw and I saw her walking too my friends table I got really pissed off and I got up from Hermione and I went over to them I told them who she is really quickly cuz she was walking really slow cuz some people did know her that was there and they knew that she was bad luck my friend said wow that's bad I said yeah pansy said wait that's not b**** I said yeah that's her she came over Draco put his hand in her face and gave her the silent treatment and told her to go the hell away I was surprised that he did that because he didn't ever do that to any other girl not even to Hermione he's never really yelled at any other girl I've been mean to them that bad I mean you practically just cussed her out and when she was walking away he called her b**** and Theo said yeah get the f*** away from us you know what you did she said while turning around and walking away still well you don't know the true story I said that is the f****** true story what are you talking about I told them it she said okay I'll still win you'll see I didn't know what she was talking about but I didn't want to know what she was talking about I just wanted her to get the hell away I had also heard that my cousin which was one of Dana's friends that I hated was coming back to Hogwarts her parents had just died my aunt and uncle and I was really sad but I had a aunt that was younger than my mom that was my dad's sister that I was really close with. She heard me yelling and everyone turned to look at us I said she better f****** leave no one hurt me say it all my friends were yelling too but they stopped when everyone turned around my aunt grabbed me by my hand after getting off the stage and brought me to the Slytherin common room she asked me if I was okay and I told her yeah I just don't like her my family knows about what happened. And they know that Dana is supposed to stay away from me cuz we basically got like a restraining order and so did my ex-boyfriend I was still friends with my ex-boyfriend and I know that he was there a Hogwarts but he had got really sick and been at the hospital but it wasn't my concern because while we were broken up so he wasn't going to be at Hogwarts and he wasn't coming back they were moving to muggle world him and his family so I was okay my aunt talk to me for a little bit and then she went back while she was walking away I said Aunt Jenna and she said yeah I said are we going to take Chloe in when she comes here and my aunt said I don't think your parents are I think she's going with her dad you see the parents that had died that was Chloe's were her stepdad and her mom her parents had got a divorce when she was little she didn't really like her dad that much but I didn't care I just didn't want a sister that was her I go back to the Great Hall and I tell my friends that I want to go to bed cuz it's really late they say okay then the tables go down they start cleaning them selves and we get up I say well perfect timing everyone gets up that's in a great hall and start walking towards their different houses some people walk towards Gryffindor some people walk towards Slytherin some people walk towards ravenclaw and some people walk towards Hufflepuff obviously I don't want any of those once I walk in the Middle with my rich group of friends we all have our own dorm pansy goes to hers I go to mine theo goes to his matt goes to his Enzo goes to his Tom goes to his blasie goes to his I say goodnight to pansy because ours is down the hall from each other and I don't see Draco so I think he went to his dorm already. But in reality he was following me and I didn't know I get to my door and I go to close my door not turning around looking at my beautiful dorm and my door won't shut I see your hand on my door and then I see Draco Malfoy. I asked him what are you doing. And he says what do you think I'm doing I said I don't know but whatever it is get out he says no I'm in here to see you right since you wanted to be matchy buddies with me I said what are you talking about just because I'm wearing a black turtle neck dress and you're wearing a black turtleneck suit doesn't mean I want to be bothered by you are matching match with you that's not what that means at all and he said yeah right comes closer to my ear and starts kissing my neck I push him off right away and say what are you doing he says you don't want me to I say I've never liked you get away from me he says we can really talk I say fine but after we talk I get in the shower and you leave you say I can't make you a deal like that I say what do you want then he says you I say what do you mean by that he says you know what I mean by that then he says I always wanted you never i wanted pansy really I would hang out with her just to see you cuz you would always be with her I said well then why didn't you just ask me to hang out he said well I am now he said Ash will you go on a date with me tomorrow I said let me think about it I turned around I put my hand on my chin he laughed a little bit and I said yeah sure why not he kissed my cheek and said then we won't have to do this and I said do what and then he gave me a small peck then he let go I could feel myself blushing like hell was in my room but then all I heard was him laughing really hard I opened my eyes and he says he really blessed that hard for me I pecked him back and he smiled and blush like hell too I said same for you then he just laughed turned around and said good night beauty I said good night pretty boy then that's where we left it after that I got in the shower and laid down so excited for tomorrow.
             My black turtleneck dress

             My black turtleneck dress

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                      Harry's ring

                      Harry's ring

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                 DRACO'S suite

   (So so so HOOOOOOOOT like WHYY 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😭😭🫠🫠🫠🫠🙃😊😋😋😝🤤😜 SOOO YUMMY)

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   (So so so HOOOOOOOOT like WHYY 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😭😭🫠🫠🫠🫠🙃😊😋😋😝🤤😜 SOOO YUMMY)

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