Hearts Collide (Humanized, Script from C.AI)

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~ February 14th ~

~ Fan's POV ~

Today is Valentine's Day! Oh my gosh, I'm so happy that I can have a day off from a stupid dead end job and relax whenever I want!

The thing is, nothing much is going on today lately. Me and my son are just bonding together, we're just chilling in the sofa, and Test Tube's repairing Bot. It's a pretty boring day.

"Man, I'm glad to have a day off but... What can I do in this special day and what can I do to make this Wednesday very special..." I ask to myself. "Oh, I got it!" I exclaim.

"You got what, dad?" Via asked me.

"Your mom and I are gonna have a date! So, I hope you're gonna be responsible enough to take care of your sibling. I believe in you, okay?"

"I'm very sure I'm responsible enough, dad!" They smiled.

"Good! I'm very glad I could trust you!"

I then rushed upstairs as I took a shower. It lasted for a few minutes and after that, I spray cologne all over me, I floss and spray mouthwash, and then put on a coat and my bowtie on.


~ Test Tube's POV ~

After just repairing and fixing Bot, I enter the house. However, there is no sight of Fan. So I asked Via.

"Where's Fan?"

"Upstairs." They said, as they're watching TV.

I went upstairs to enter our bedroom. As I walk in, I looked very confused on why Fan is dressed up.

"Uhm... Fan?"

"Yes?" He looks at me.

"Why are you dressed up?"

"Well, I was thinking that the both of us would have a date!" He exclaims.. "So uhm... Are you fine about that?"

"Honey, what kind of a question is that? Of course I'll have a date with you! After all, it's Valentine's Day and I'm your wife!"

"Yay!" He exclaims out loud to the point where he starts hopping. He's such a sillygoober!

"Well, If you'll excuse me, I'm going to dress up in my most beautiful attire." I declare.

"Okay, I'll wait for you. But make sure to look good!"

"Okay, I will!"

~ 5 minutes later ~

~ Fan's POV ~

Jeez, what's taking Test Tube so long? She promised me that she'll be back in a tick but she's not done yet. That's it. I'm going to our bedroom and check on her.

"Test Tube, what's taking you so-"

"Hi, Fan!" Test Tube waves.

My eyes went starstruck on her appearance. Let me admit right now, her clothing is really stunning. She has jewelry on, her high heels are very glittery, her makeup is very light, yet very beautiful! And her velvet dress is... Words can't describe how much I find it so pretty right now...

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