An Argument

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(takes place one week after the Thanksgiving party)

So, in short words, Test Tube and Fan got an argument in the middle of the night and the topic? It's about Fan adopting that egg.

10:34 P.M.

- Test Tube's POV -

I saw Fan on our bed. I thought of something to say something to him.

"Are you decent?" I asked, sitting on our bed.

"Kind of..." He quietly replied.

"Fan, can we talk?"

"About what?" He asked, sitting up from bed.

I got up on our bed and went towards him.

"Alright, Fan. We need to talk about you and that egg." I said, crossing arms.

"Oh, come on... What'd they ever done to you? Can you at least let me sleep peacefully?"

Fan gets up from bed.

"What's your problem with Via, anyway?"

"Don't be an idiot, Fan!" I exasperatingly yelled. "You do know that I never wanted them as our child! And yes! I had my reasons why I didn't want him. Because I do not recall asking for another family member!"

"Well, continue your whing, Test Tube."

"At least you know they're yours..." I said.

I walked into a desk and looked down whilst having my grip on the desk.

"Test Tube, just get over it!" He yelled, wanting for this argument to stop.

"How am I supposed to? I never even asked for a second child and then Boom! Via magically appeared."

"Let me tell you this. If you have a problem with it, then why don't you just go ahead and leave? I am so sick of your complaining and whining."

"Are you tempting me to?" I asked, very irritated at him.

"No, I'm just saying. You're free to do so. Go ahead."

"Alright. I'll leave."

I opened the door and said my last words to Fan.

"Live it up, baby!"

I yelled as I slammed the door shut.

I opened Bot's bedroom and took them with me whilst they're asleep.

Then we left.

The next morning

- Fan's POV -

Ever since Test Tube left, my insomnia came back to me... I couldn't sleep as I silently cried. Tears flew down on my body. I can't help but cry to myself until I got done.

After I finished my mourning, I got out of the bedroom and sat in the sofa.

- Via Lactea's POV -

I woke up and got out of my room. I saw my dad who's in the sofa. I sat besides him and thought of asking him what's wrong.

"Dad? What's wrong? And where's mom?"

Fan looked at me and said "Via, your mom and I got... On an argument..."

"About what?"

"About..." He paused for a moment and declared "Oh who am I kidding? You're too young to understand, anyway..."

"I'll try to..."

"So, your mom finds you a nuisance and... I know that it hurts your feelings, but... Please, Via... Forgive her... She didn't mean to say those slanderous words to you..."

"It's alright, dad... It's alright..."

"And then she left... Hopefully, she'll be back..."

"I know that..."

Fan then hugged me.

"I love you, Via..."

"I love you too, dad..."

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