Chapter 19: Trying to

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2 weeks later -

"That is a wonderful painting, Rose," Scarlett coos at her beaming daughter. She's standing on Rose's right, proudly looking down at the little canvas on the easel that I bought for her just a week ago. Standing on Rose's left side, I look at them and smile, feeling my heart expand at the sight.

"You think so, mommy?"


Then, Rose turns to me, eyes bright and hopeful when she says, "(Y/N)?"

I have been teaching Rose how to paint for a week now after she'd overheard a conversation between Scarlett and I last Thursday, something about a gallery opening that she'd been invited to. It was while we were eating dinner that she had shyly asked me if I could teach her. I said yes, of course.

"It's amazing, Rose. I love the colors that you used for the flowers, and the blending of the greens for the grass? Five stars out of five."

The smile on her face grows wider, reaching her already shining eyes. "Thank you," she says before turning her attention back to her painting. The expression on her face immediately shifts into a serious one as she dabs her brush onto the pink paint, no doubt to add more flowers to her garden. Adorable.

"You're very welcome," I reply.

We spend another hour painting when Scarlett announces that it's time for Rose's afternoon nap. Rose, tired and already sleepy, simple acquiesces. We put away her painting materials and remove her smock before her nanny takes her away and brings her to the nursery.

Scarlett and I are quiet for a minute, still cleaning up, when she comes up to me and engulfs me in an embrace. My arms immediately wrap around her.

"Thank you," she says, her voice soft against my neck.

"What for?"

She sighs and I can feel her relax even more in my arms. "This. You're great with Rose. I can tell that she likes spending time with you."

I kiss Scarlett's head. "I like spending time with her, too. She's a great kid."

Scarlet hums.

"And you're a great mom," I tell her, genuinely meaning it.

I feel her arms tighten around me as she takes a deep breath in, as if savoring this moment, before slowly releasing me. She looks up at me and I am once again awestruck by the greenness of her eyes. They are so beautiful. She's so beautiful.

"Hi," I whisper.


Slowly, Scarlett pushes up to kiss me. I meet her halfway.

In the quiet intimacy of our embrace, our kiss is slow and deliberate. There is no rush, no urgency, and definitely no need or want for things to escalate. At this moment, Scarlett and I are just two people caught in the gentle pull of emotion.

"Hi," I say again when we pull back.

Her eyes crinkle as she smiles. My breath hitches. God. If I'm not careful... No. No. I let the thought go. Things are good. Scarlett and I are in a great place. I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

Things are good. Scarlett and I are in a great place.

That night -

I am in the dining room with my parents for dinner. We had just finished our main course when my dad clears his throat and says, "So, honey, your mom and I were wondering about your plans."

At my confused expression, my mom adds, "About your career, is what your dad means. Not that we're rushing you or anything. We just want to know how we can support you better."

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