Chapter 14: Realizations and Plans

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Scarlett calls me on FaceTime the following morning, a wide and radiant smile on her face when she says, "Hi."

"Hello, darling," I say and then I freeze, the term of endearment slipping past my lips without thought. "Oh, uh, sorry, I didn't -,"

"No, don't take it back, (Y/N). You already said it." There's a blush on her face that makes me smile.

"You like that, huh?" I ask, smirking.

"I do," Scarlett confesses.

"Okay then, darling, how are you? How are the preparations coming along?"

Today is Cosmo's birthday and Scarlett is organizing a party. It's nothing grand but Scarlett still has a lot of people coming over.

"I'm great and the preparations are coming along nicely. I'm really excited to celebrate his birthday," she gushes and my heart skips in my chest at how stunning she looks like this, breathless in her happiness the way she always is when her children are involved.

"You are so beautiful, Scarlett. And you're a fantastic mother," I tell her and I mean it with all of my heart. It's a compliment that I'll never get tired of telling her.

"Thank you, (Y/N). That means a lot."

"You're welcome," and then, "I miss you," I can't help but say.

It's only been a few weeks but I already crave her presence. God. This isn't casual at all and I know it. Still, I can't resist but tell her how I feel.

Scarlett blushes even harder. She bites her lip and my heart stumbles. "I miss you too, (Y/N). I'll come back soon, I promise."

"I know. I can wait."

The smile that Scarlett gives me is breathtaking and as she brings me around her house to show me the decorations that she's put up, I feel my heart getting fuller and fuller.

Wait. WAIT.

I gulp, frozen in place all of a sudden.

I put my heart on my chest, feeling the loud but steady beating of my heart.

I look at the screen, at Scarlett's face smiling at me as she tells me why she wanted different colored balloons instead of just plain pastel blue ones.

And that is when it hits me.

Shit. I might like her. I might like her.

I mean, maybe in a way I've always known? I wouldn't still be talking to her, missing her like this if I hadn't. And I'm twenty-eight years old for fuck's sake. I know how it is to like a woman in this way. I just didn't know how much I liked her until now.

Although I probably should have. After all, I look for her when she's not around. I smile a lot bigger when she messages me. My heart skips a beat when she calls. I love spending time with her, and her children when she allows me to. And I want to know everything there is to know about her.

I like her, and while that warms my heart, the clear knowledge also makes my feet cold. We've talked about keeping things casual, after all. And this is decidedly the opposite, more so un-casual than I've always been. Also, it's only been a month. Isn't it too early to feel this?

"(Y/N)?" Scarlett says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah, hi, I'm still here."

"You froze for a second," she chuckles. "I thought I lost the internet or something."

No, I just realized how much I actually like you and panicked for a bit, I wanted to say, but that is not something you tell someone over FaceTime so instead I tell her, "Yeah, no, I just had a realization."

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